
This web site, called "Church and Community" offers an extensive static archive of historical information about Saint George's Round Church. It is designed for the curious, students of history, or anyone seeking specific, easily accessible information about Saint George's 200 year history in the north end of Halifax, that is - 200 years of loving God and neighbour.

This website outlines the many facets of this history – from the church’s architectural life in the community to the day to day life of the parish, and its many forms of outreach. In the pages that follow you can discover when the church was built and why, the story of its reconstruction after the fire of 1994, its connection to the Little Dutch Church, or how we support youth in our inner city neigbourhood. Browse through all six sections – History, Architecture, Community, Rise Again, the Little Dutch Church, and About Us – to discover more.

If you would like to know more than what you find in these pages, you may find contact information for the church in the About Us section.

There also exists a frequently updated "Parish Web Site" with information for the members of the parish, or those seeking current information about Saint George's Round Church.
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