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Top Row (left to right)

  1. 2nd Lieut. W. V. Warren. Served through Gallipoli campaign, Wounded in France July 1st, 1916. Son of S. Warren, Esq., Southside Road.
  2. 2nd Lieut. John Bemister Clerk with the Reid-Newfoundland Co. Son of Frank P. Bemister, Esq., Carbonear.
  3. Lieut. Edward Jeffery.
  4. Lieut. H. Ross (wounded).
  5. 2nd Lieut. W. M. Churchill. Served through Gallipoli campaign. A brother in Newfoundland Regiment. Son of W. M. Churchill, Esq., Supt. Public Works.

Bottom Row (left to right)

  1. 2nd Lieut. Charles Edgar. Served through Gallipoli campaign. Son of Joeseph H. Edgar, Esq., Freshwater Road.
  2. 2nd Lieut. Cyril C. Duley, of T. J. Duley & Co., Jewellers, Water Street. Served through Gallipoli campaign. A brother in Newfoundland Regiment. Son of T. J. Duley, Esq., Rennies Mill Road.
  3. 2nd Lieut. J. H. Snow. Served through Gallipoli campaign. A brother in a Canadian Regiment, and another brother a Chief Artificer in Royal Navy. Son of George Snow, Esq., Colonial Street.
  4. 2nd Lieut. J. E. Thomson. Served through Gallipoli campaign. Son of C.R. Thomson, Esq., “Sudbury” Water Street West.
  5. 2nd Lieut. G. H. Emerson, of Canadian Bank of Commerce, Windsor, N.S. Son of the late Mr. Justice Emerson of Supreme Court, and Mrs. Emerson, Rennies Mill Road.

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