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Top Row (left to right)

  1. Private John Hardy, C.L.B. [Church Lads’ Brigade] The first to pay the Supreme Sacrifice.
  2. Private Blyde, C.C.C. [Catholic Cadet Corps] Second to pay the Supreme Sacrifice.
  3. Private Randolph Winter. Killed July 1st, 1916.
  4. Pte. Murphy, 407.

Bottom Row (left to right)

  1. Capt. “Gus” O Brien. Killed October 12th, 1916.
  2. Capt. James Donnelly, M.C. [Military Cross] Killed October 12th, 1916.
  3. Capt. Frank Summers. Killed July, 1916.
  4. Lieut. Richard Shortall. Killed July 1st, 1916.

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