IPM and Computers

Applications of computers in IPM fall into three categories:

  1. Diagnostic
  2. Computers are used to store information that managers can easily recall. In essence, this type of system is a database or library, with the advantage of extensive cross-referencing (i.e. the user can easily switch between related articles and topics).

  3. Treatment prescription
  4. The computer can run complex models that help predict the best time to apply pesticides or other control technologies. In its simplest form, the model operates on rules such as the following: If pest = X, then apply pesticide Y at rate Z

    This type of program is ideally suited to the use of thresholds. Indeed, if the costs of crop and application are included it could provide a convenient basis for implementing thresholds.

  5. Strategy development
  6. This is a much more complex approach in which computer programs are used to model a complex system and provide recommendations for management or allow what-if analysis.

However, although the development of computer packages for IPM has received a great deal of attention and backing by the industry, they have not yet gained wide acceptance.

(Morse and Buhler, 1997)

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Agromedia : English : Pesticides : IPM and Computers