Lesson Bytes - Teaching with a focus on BC's Heritage

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Grade 5
Prescribed Learning Outcomes
Organization & Scheduling
Materials & Resources
Suggested Procedure
Possible Assessment
Student Handout -I am the Land
bullet graphicTeacher Resource -Understanding the Land
Grade 4-5
Grade 10

Grade 5: BC Communities and Their Resources

Possible Assessment

  • The completed student worksheets bullet graphicI am the Land can be used as an assessment tool to evaluate how successfully the students have understood the material presented on the websites. The teacher resource bullet graphicUnderstanding The Land provides possible student responses.
  • Peer review replies to I am the Land may be a secondary activity to assess how well the learning outcomes have been achieved. In this case, collect and re-distribute the answer sheets, directing students to find evidence of how well their classmates understood:
    • how human land use effects the natural environment and ecosystem balances
    • how geography and land use shape communities
    • how attitudes toward environmental issues are determined by various factors (e.g., economic needs, population migration).