Elder's Circle
John Henry's Story
John Henry tells about the different locations around Lennox Island.
Surrounding Lennox Island we had different areas that were known by Points. Gulls Point, Sickle Point, and Rocky Point. When friends or family asked where you were going when fishing clams, oysters, eels or just out having family outings, you would tell them what Point you were going to and everyone knew the location.  Still, today we use these names.  Not a lot of the younger people know them but a few of us still know and use them.
Below is a collection of stories from a few of our elders in the community.
John Henry Bernard
Anita Bernard
Hubert Sark
Christine Bernard
Charlie Sark
Donnie Labobe
[Elder's & Youth Circle]
[Elder's Circle] [Youth Circle]

Created: July 5, 1999
Copyright ©1999 Lennox Island Learning Centre
Updated: October 13, 1999