VETLOGO.gif (2282 bytes)             newbann.gif (2753 bytes)



arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Honour Roll Listings
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Gallery of Photos
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Memorial Sites for Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) History of Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Links to other Native Veterans Sites
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Treaty Areas of NWO
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Glossary of Terms and Phrases
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Articles on Native Veterans
arrowhead.gif (1335 bytes) Thanks to those who have helped us

This page has links that will take you to similar sites that either have information or dedications that are related to our site.

National Archives of Canada

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Search the Debt of Honour Registry

Veterans Affairs Canada Online

Veteran Affairs - Valentines for Vets

The Peoples' Path Home Page - American and Canadian Indians in the Military

The Canadian War Museum

Canadian Peacekeepers 

Operation 60,000 - War Amps Photo Gallery



Mt.McKay Memorial Site for Native Veterans

Memorials to Canada's War Dead

"We Will Remember" - War Monuments in Canada WWW Site

The Canadian Virtual War Memorial

Canadian National Vimy Memorial

The Menin Gate Memorial - Ypres - At 8 PM every day since 1927, buglers honour and remember

The Tyne Cot Memorial - The largest Commonwealth cemetery

Vimy War Memorial Gallery


Native Links:

Assembly of First Nations

Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres

Chiefs of Ontario

Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association

First Peoples' Cultural Foundation

Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat

Maps of Treaty Areas

INAC - Treaty No. 3

INAC - Treaty No. 9

Indian Act

The First Perspective Online- First Nations Events Calendar

Other Sites

Thunder Bay Public Library
