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Native Veterans from Northwestern Ontario

to honour roll (1335 bytes) Honour Roll Listings
to gallery (1335 bytes) Gallery of Photos
to memorials (1335 bytes) Memorial Sites for Native Veterans
to veterans (1335 bytes) Veterans
to history (1335 bytes) History of Native Veterans
to links (1335 bytes) Links to other Native Veterans Sites
to regions (1335 bytes) Treaty Areas of NWO
to glossary (1335 bytes) Glossary of Terms and Phrases
to articles (1335 bytes) buttpro.gif (973 bytes)
to articles (1335 bytes) buttart.gif (983 bytes)
to credits (1335 bytes) Thanks to those who have helped us

In general, Native people have been involved in domestic and foreign conflicts after European contact. Indeed, the Native contribution has been often overlooked and their achievements have remained unrecognized as a whole. Furthermore, the adoption of Native people's "guerrilla" military tactics by Europeans has also gone unnoticed. Native people's contribution during the course of Canadian history has also remained limited. In pursuit of establishing a Canadian element to patriotism and nationalism in terms of past achievement of the military contribution, individual testaments and recognition have been slowly developed. Over the course of time some recognition of individuals has been given. Native people are now also receiving acknowledgement for their participation in Canadian conflicts. This project is a testament to them and acknowledges the contribution and achievements of individual Native soldiers from Northwestern Ontario who over the course of Canadian history aided in its' defence and established the merits of this nation in domestic and foreign confrontations.

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This photo was restored from a
badly damaged original.
Photo of Augustin Belanger
WWI - 52nd Battalion
Fort William, Ontario  

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Prelude to International Involvement in War

Prior to any participation in International wars, Native people had participated in the defence and protection of the initial governments from Canada's past. From the Indian Wars prior to the Royal Proclamation, Natives fought against the Europeans in defence of their hereditary lands which they had used and utilized from time immemorial. Since these wars, Native people have been involved as allies in the defence of the domestic government of the newly establish Canadian government. In the War of 1812, Native People were in alliance with the Canadian Militia and British Soldiers in defence of an invasion from the United States. Subsequently, Native people have fought in alliance with Canadian and Commonwealth soldiers.