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Brunswick House
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After the arrival of the Hudson's Bay Company in the 17th century, the Native people who had fished, hunted and trapped in the area along the Missinabi River became involved in the fur trade.  These ojibway people resided near Missinabi Lake and Brunswick Lake.  The ojibway people established the New Brunswick band.  In 1788, the Hudson's Bay Company establish a post called New Brunswick House.  The James Bay Treaty of 1905 - Treaty No. 9 was signed with the New Brunswick House band on July 25, 1906.  The reserve lands were confirmed by the Ontario government on February 13, 1907.  On June 1, 1925, the Ontario government established the Chapleau Game Preserve which surrounded the original location of the New Brunswick House Band.  This original location was purchase by the Ontario government from the Federal government in 1928.  The Federal government purchased land from Mountbatten Township from the Ontario government to establish the Mountbatten Indian Reserve No. 76A.  The initial inhabitants of the New Brunswick House band settled upon these reserve lands in 1973.  New Brunswick House First Nation is located near Chapleau, Ontario.  The present population of the New Brunswick House First Nation is 114.  Veteran Listing
Rank Name
  Joseph Davies
  D. Johnston
  Thomas Saunders
  Henry Kichapraprah
Spr. Frank Mutcheqis
  Thomas Neshwahbum
  Jacob Redbreast
  Thomas Saunders
  David Solomon
  Peter Thomas