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Eagle Lake First Nation

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The Eagle Lake Reserve was established in accordance with Treaty No. 3 and was confirmed by the Ontario government in 1915.   The Eagle Lake people have a historical link with the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway, and prior to 1915 comprised a larger reserve inconjunction with members of the Wabigoon Lake Reserve.  It is located 20 minutes south of Dryden. 

Current On-Reserve Population: 159

Veteran Listing
Rank Name
  Mike Ackabee
  Roy Ackabee
  Joseph Adams
  Sam Adams
  William Brown
  Jim Flim
  Fred Indian (WWI)
  Fred Indian (WWII)
  David Lands (WWI)
  David Lands (WWII)
  George Lands
  Albert Moore
  Bill Moore Sr.
  Bill Moore Jr.
  Peter Moore Sr.
  Peter Moore Jr.
  Robert Moore
  William Moore
  Thomas Nabishe
  George Napish
Pte. Joe Napish
Pte. Tom Napish
Pte. William Napish
  George Napishe
  Alexander Singleton
  Fred Sky
  William Sky
  Joseph R. Wabange
  Samuel Wabonge Sr.