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Fort Albany

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The Fort Albany Reserve originally had an important strategic location along the Albany River and on the shores of James Bay.   The Hudson's Bay Company established a trading post within this region.  The reserve boundaries are described in the James Bay Treaty of 1905-Treaty No.9. During the 1950's Old Fort Albany was abandoned and people separated into two communities.  New Fort Albany is situation on the south shore of the Albany River, whereas Kashechewan is situated on the north bank of the Albany River.

Current On-Reserve Population: 850

Veteran Listing
Rank Name
Spr. Bill Faries
  George Faries
  James Faries
Pte. Munroe Linklater
  Albert Metat
  Simon Metat
Pte. Fabius Reuben
Spr. Oliver Rickard
  Alphius Solomon
Pte. Allan Spence
  George Spence
Pte. Matthew Spence
Pte. Thomas Sutherland
Pte. Ernest Wesley
Pte. Fred Wesley