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Pic Mobert First Nation

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The Pic Mobert Reserve is within the boundaries of the territory described in the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850. In 1885, 800 acres of reserve land were set aside for Band members under the Robinson-Superior Treaty. During the construction of the C.P.R. mainline, the band migrated to its present location near the town of Marathon.
The Pic Mobert Band achieved legal band status in 1957. In 1981 an additional 250 acres was set aside to be an addition to the reserve.
Veteran Listing
Rank Name
  Joseph Ernest Gagnon
Pte. Joseph Desmoulin
Pte. Louis Kwiwissa
Pte. Duncan Michano
Pte. Gilbert Michano
Pte. Raymond Michano
Pte. Charles Twance
Pte. Leo Twance