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Rat Portage First Nation

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The Rat Portage First Nation is a member of the signing of the Northwest Angle Treaty of 1873-Treaty No.3.
In 1875 the Rat Portage and Dalles band met with the Federal Representatives to select their reserve lands. These lands are identified as Rat Portage Indian Reserve No.38A, No.38B,No.38C and No.38D.

The location of these reserve lands are on the Nor-shore of Lake of the Woods, near the fur trade post of Rat Portage.

Rat Portage along with Keewatin and Nestor Falls were incorporated to form the Town of Kenora. 

Veteran Listing
Rank Name
  Edward Taylor
  Thomas Joe
  Macguire Skeet
  Michel Skeet
  Peter Skeet
Rfn. Joseph N. Kakeeway
Pte. Peter Seymour
Pte. Frederick Skead