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Treaty Area No.9
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Treaty Number Nine

Treaty Indian

A Status Indian who belongs to a First Nation or Band which signed a treaty with the Crown.


A term refers to treaties which the First Nations band had entered into with the federal government to ensure and maintain certain aboriginal privileges and provisions in exchange for the use of land by the federal government.

Treaty Number 9

A treaty entered into by First Nations located from the northern portion of Ontario entered into with the federal government in 1905 and 1906. Adhesions to the treaty were made in 1929 and 1930. The treaty lands range from Quebec to Manitoba from north of the watershed line midway throught Northern Ontario. The treaty is officially entitled, "The James Bay Treaty - Treaty 9."

Native Communites within the Treaty Number Nine Area

Brunswick House
Cat Lake
Chapleau Cree
Chapleau Ojibway
Flying Post
Fort Albany
Fort Hope
James Bay
Missanabie Cree
Moose Factory
New Post
Rupert's House