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General description:

  • Learner understands purpose and general idea of texts in prose and non-prose.
  • Able to read some authentic 2-3 paragraph texts within a mostly familiar, mostly predictable context of daily life and experience. Language is mostly concrete, factual and literal but vocabulary items on abstract ideas become more frequent.
  • Often requires re-reading and clarification, although there are no unfamiliar cultural references.
  • Tolerates ambiguity, e.g. some unknown words, phrases, idioms; occasionally successfully reconstructs the "missing element" without a dictionary from the context but most unfamiliar words are usually impossible to guess - the learner still uses a bilingual dictionary regularly.
  • Reads in English mostly for information, to learn more language and to develop reading skills but may begin to read simplified articles and stories for pleasure.
  • Can find specific, detailed information in text, in charts and schedules (e.g. transit timetables) by scanning.
  • Can read silently for meaning, without visible or audible vocalization efforts; reads slowly.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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