Metepenagiag Today Mi'kmaq Narration

Today the Mi'kmaq population of Red Bank is over 400. Community members work in the fishery, on housing developments and in forestry, health care, government and education. Red Bank artists specialize in the production of original crafts and in paintings depicting Native culture. Younger children attend the modern Metepenagiag school where First Nations educators strive to reach a balance between modern studies and traditional teachings. Every year a number of older students attend institutions of higher learning where they develop the new skills necessary to bring Metepenagiag into the 21st century.

We the people of Metepenagiag have a strong sense of who we are, where we come from and where we are going. Taking pride in our rich heritage, our community hosts a three day annual pow-wow. We celebrate our heritage, our songs, dances and spiritual ceremonies. The celebrations and accompanying feasts are open to everyone. As in times past, we display our finest handiwork in clothing, footwear and jewelry.

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Metepenagiag Today
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