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The Press Audio

All featured audio clips are best heard in Quicktime Player
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Il Messagero Play Sound (1 MB)


time - 1 minute and 32 seconds

An interview with Donald Di Giulio

Di Giulio is the co-founder of the Italian newspaper, Il Messagero, as well as the Pisticci Club.

Here he discusses his experiences as a member of the Italian Community in early Toronto.

Interviewed June 13, 1979

Latin American "Indians"Play Sound (404 kB)


time - 34 seconds

An Interview with Luis Edouardo Borja

Borja is an Columbian immigrant who worked as a journalist for the Spanish Newspaper, El Popular.

In this clip, Borja explores the meaning of the word "Indian" within the Latin American community.

Interviewed February 13, 1978
LA A-3642-BOR

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