Support Industries

Section of Irene McCaugherty's "Riding the Rods 1925, 13th Street, 2nd Ave. South"

In the past, Lethbridge’s economy has been centered around farming and coal mining. Out of these major industries smaller industries and institutions have developed to support them. In the early 1900's, the city promoted a pro-business policy. It was hoped that this policy would help to create a market that would serve the needs and interests of many different types of businesses. This type of policy attracted many businesses such as the C.P.R. Rail yards, Lethbridge Iron Works, Ellison Milling, and Sick’s Brewery to the city. As new businesses opened, the city’s population grew to such a point that there was a need and demand for both a hospital and an airport.

Exhibit Contents

  1. The Lethbridge Rail Yard
  2. Lethbridge Iron Works
  3. Ellison Milling
  4. The Lethbridge Brewing Industry
  5. Hospitals
  6. The Lethbridge Airport
  7. Conclusion


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