Korean Conflict 

P19881051006-GP Lethbridge Soldier, Lawrence Jobesy in service during the Korean War.

During the Cold War that followed World War II, fighting broke out in Korea in 1950. Canada's military contribution to the conflict in Korea was the Canadian Army Special Force (C.A.S.F.). Created on August 7, 1950 the C.A.S.F. was made up of 8000 volunteers. It was later called 25th Brigade, and by the end of the fighting 26 791 Canadians had served in it. 561 of these Canadians were killed. Canada also sent three destroyers to Korea with 27 servicemen from Lethbridge on board. Men from Lethbridge also served on air and ground crews in Korea before the armistice of July 27, 1953 ended the conflict.


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