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An Island Home: Trixie's Home A Century Later


Without constant maintenance, buildings are soon destroyed by the wind, sand and salt spray. Trixie went back to the island in 1967 and found her home deserted. By 1987 it was a ruin.

Trixie's house 1890
Trixie's house 1967
Trixie's house 1987

These corroded and broken pieces were all that remained of the old main lifesaving station.

Wood pieces Wood pieces
Wood pieces

Notice the Roman numerals an the post and planks. Since there are no trees on Sable, all the timber for buildings had to be shipped from the mainland. The wood was precut and marked for easy assembly.




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Graveyard of the Atlantic
Courage and Skill
An Island Home
Trixie's Story
Our Life on Sable
Lots to Do
Before Trixie's Time
Trixie's Home a Century Later

Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History