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Free as the wind: Surviving on Sable

Food and water

Most of the time, there is plenty of food and fresh water on Sable. But in some seasons the horses must struggle to find nourishing plants or a source of drinking water.


The horses grow fat grazing on lush summer plants. Summer fat is the key to surviving hard winters, because the dried winter leaves of Marram are not very nourishing.


Horse in winter

Horses can sense where to dig for water in a dry season.

Horses digging


Teeth and sand

Old horse skull
Young horse skull
old horse
young horse
Old horse teeth
Young horse teeth

Imagine chewing sand every day. The horses take in a lot of sand as they graze. Hard quartz sand grains wear down their teeth. Horse teeth keep growing for about 6 years, so tooth wear is not a problem at first. But older horses may starve when their worn teeth cannot grind the tough Marram.



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An Island of Sand
Surviving Sand and Wind
Free as the Wind
How horses came to Sable
Surviving on Sable
What kind of horse?
Horses and  Humans
Alone in the Atlantic

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Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History