At this point, there is the opportunity to bring together all of the activities and information generated together. The final project in this teaching unit is the following: The Status of Refugees Symposium. The point is to generate awareness and promote understanding with regard to the plight of refugees overseas but also in communities across Canada. The idea, then is to develop a format where specific topics are discussed and explored in a conference and/or workshop environment, speakers representing refugees and refugee help organizations are brought in, exhibits depicting situations faced by refugees are organized and displayed, live performances featuring music, dance and theatre are performed, a newsletter or magazine developed and distributed.

    Another component may involve the Internet or SchoolNet where groups may develop themed projects with other schools and classes in different parts of the country. A "symposium" web page can be developed and content added exploring the themes outlined in the Symposium. Students from afar may contribute their thoughts, expressions and works of are electronically. The Symposium may also be promoted through the Internet in case other schools and community groups wish to participate. Classes and schools should appoint a committee whose role will determine the elements of the Symposium and delegate tasks and responsibilities. Make it a community event. Invite former refugees and organizations who work in that arena to participate. Perhaps, your Symposium may culminate in a parade that will alert the community to these important and pressing issues.

    By all means, enjoy the experience and events, but make it meaningful.