• Students will complete at least two of the following:

    1. Make up a word puzzle (like a crossword puzzle) based on words that are related to the plight of refugees that focus on a single theme, such as migration (travel, homelessness, desert, water, for example) or a place such as Somalia (warlord, peacekeeper, arid, unrest, persecution, for example). Include with the word puzzle some background information and a description of the selected theme.

    2. Write a description or brief history of at least one of the following: UNHCR, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, Care Canada, The Malaysian Red Crescent. What is the organization's significance and describe the principle work it does.

    3. Write a detailed profile of Fridtjof Nansen outlining in detail his accomplishments and how he became involved with the plight of refugees.

    4. Who was Lester B. Pearson and what did he do of significance? Apart from being a popular prime minister and predecessor to Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Pearson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. What actions did he take to earn the prize as well as the respect of the international community? What impact has Pearson had on Canada's attitude to and acceptance of refugees?

    5. Imagine you are a peacekeeper in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Keep a journal of your tour of duty What are your responsibilities? Describe the area, the inhabitants and your fellow peacekeepers. What are your thoughts and feelings about what is happening there? (You might want to refer to "Letter from Sarajevo", TEACH Magazine, May/June '94 and November/December '94 issues).

    6. What was the League of Nations? Describe why and how it was formed. What impact did this organization have on the world scene? What impact did it have on Fridtjof Nansen?

    7. What is the United Nations? How was the UN formed and what authority does it have? What have been the main accomplishments of the UN? What suggestions would you make to improve the UN?

    8. Follow the news for one week. How many references to refugees are there? Are the stories positive or negative? Why do you think this is?

    9. Many countries in the world operate under systems where women are considered inferior to men. Because of this belief, countries may have laws in place that are detrimental to women's health and safety. Have there been any cases of women trying to flee their home country because of laws that harm their health or threaten their lives? If yes, describe the main reasons for leaving. If no, explain why you think this is.

    10. Referring to the map. Choose one area indicated and research its history with regard to the movement of peoples, refugees in particular. What were the conditions that led up to the set of circumstances that forced the move? Where did the majority of people go? When did this pattern of migration begin? What is the status today?

    11. Read the poem, "It has to be just a dream", written by a South African refugee living in Toronto. Referring tot he poem, describe her feelings and experience as a refugee. Can you tell from the poem what happened to her? With further research, describe the type of life refugees can expect after they settle in Canada. What benefits does a country like Canada offer them?