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  Time Line of TB in Canada

 1905 - Gov't Support Leads to the Creation of Sans in Each Province

The Fort Qu'Appelle Sanatorium was built in Saskatchewan in 1917.

As the fight against tuberculosis began in Canada, it was soon recognized that the federal government had an important role to play in the health of the nation, despite the provincial nature of health care under the British North America Act. It was petitioned in 1905 to take, at the earliest moment, the measures deemed best to render aid to the tuberculous and to take some active steps to lessen the widespread suffering and the great mortality among the people of Canada caused by the various forms of tuberculosis.

Because of this action, a resolution was immediately passed by the House of Commons on Monday, 20 February 1905:

"in the opinion of this House the time has arrived when Parliament should take some active steps to lessen the widespread suffering and the great mortality among the people of Canada, caused by the various forms of tuberculosis."


On April 1905, a similar resolution was passed by the Senate and hence, plans were put into action to support the establishment of sanatoriums in each province to fight tuberculosis.

The King Edward Sanatorium opened in 1907 at Tranquille, BC.