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The Government Advertising Committee


To support departments in terms of developing and implementing their communications plans and strategies, particularly their approach to advertising, the Government of Canada has developed a Communications Framework. This framework serves as the basis for the Government of Canada Marketing and Advertising Plans, which are reviewed annually.

These framework documents serve to ensure communications across the Government of Canada are well coordinated, effectively managed and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public.

Approval processes for advertising are different across departments with varying degrees of involvement of senior management and ministerial staff, depending on informal systems which are often influenced by campaign budgets, subject matter and so on. (This is in contrast to the more consistent disciplined system that is in place in departments and central agencies with respect to the approval of news releases and announcements.)


  • To review and advise departments and agencies on their advertising campaigns.


In order to determine which campaigns should be reviewed by GAC, Departments ensure that their PCO Communications Analysts, as their primary point of contact, are fully aware of all advertising activity in the planning stage.

Advertising, as defined in the Procedures section of the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, includes all activities, including research, involved in the purchase, by or on behalf of the government, of space or time in print, or broadcast media, or in other mass media, such as outdoor and transit advertising.

Paid announcements such as public notices are not considered advertising in this context, unless an advertising agency is used.

Smaller or regional campaigns may not need to be reviewed by GAC. Departments should discuss their advertising plans with their PCO Communications Analysts to determine the degree of review required. A list of the analysts with their portfolios appears on the Communications Secretariat's site, at

Any paid advertising purchased on behalf of the Government of Canada requires for tracking purposes a project registration number, referred to as an ADV number. Communication Canada issues this number.


  • Ensure support and reinforcement of government communications priorities

  • Ensure coherent planning and improve coordination of government advertising

  • Ensure advertising supports both departmental and government priorities

  • Enhance the overall quality of advertising and consistency of messages and presentation of information

  • Encourage the use of a broader mix of media both within and across campaigns, reflecting the media consumption habits of Canadians

  • Monitor and advise on the allocation of advertising resources

  • Ensure quality research, whether qualitative and quantitative in nature, in the development and evaluation of government advertising

  • Facilitate the development of horizontal initiatives and interdepartmental partnerships

  • Promote best practices, lessons learned and information sharing


  • Chaired by the Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, as represented by the Director of Operations and/or the Director of Strategic Communications Planning, Communications and Consultation Secretariat, PCO

  • on a rotating basis, Directors General of Communications from other departments.

Out of respect for and in fairness to presenting departments, and in order to ensure continuity in input and decision-making, it is expected that members consider this a priority. Replacements are strongly discouraged.


  • In view of its high profile and potential influence, advertising is subject to the same rigour of review as news releases and announcements.

  • Through their PCO Communications Analysts, departments should schedule items for GAC, which meets from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, on the 6th floor of the Blackburn Building (85 Sparks, Ottawa).

  • The typical process for major campaigns or initiatives to be reviewed by GAC is as follows:

    • Before meeting with their ad agency to discuss a new campaign, Departments prepare an outline of the proposed campaign, including relevant public opinion or focus group research on the issue, objectives, key messages, and proposed or allocated budget. The plan outline is then submitted to the affiliated PCO Analyst who will confirm a presentation at GAC.

    • Documentation to be reviewed by GAC must be sent to your PCO Communications Analyst or to Ginette Martel ( BY 12:00 P.M. ON MONDAY -- two days preceding the GAC meeting.

    • Departments or organisations that come to present their advertising campaign project should be represented by a maximum of TWO officers, as the space of the room is limited.

    • Departments should bring creative concepts to GAC prior to focus group testing. It is advised that departments invite representatives of their Minister's office to attend.

    • Departments must return to GAC with the results of the focus group testing, pre-production concepts, timing, media plan and evaluation framework.

    • PWGSC will not issue an ADV number for a major campaign initiative or media placement, without prior review by the Privy Council Office.

    GAC reserves the right to review the advertising plan and creative treatments for all other campaigns, as determined between departments and their PCO Analysts.

Prepared by:
PCO Communications and Consultation
Reviewed on April 28, 2005


Last Modified: 2004-01-16  Important Notices