Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Recourse Principles

The Canada Border Services Agency's redress process is governed by the following principles:

Timeliness: You can expect that decisions will be issued within reasonable time frames.

  • Key elements:
    • The CBSA will contact you as soon as reasonably possible.
    • The CBSA's recourse officers will request information from you at the earliest opportunity.
    • The CBSA is committed to maintaining service standards for its recourse program.

Accessibility: You can request a review of CBSA actions or decisions.

  • Key elements:
    • Border services legislation allows for a reasonable time to request a review.
    • Information about the review process is available on the CBSA's Web site.
    • There are no fees to request a review. However, you must pay and/or secure duties and taxes to file trade disputes.

Consistency: You can expect uniform decisions based on the same circumstances.

  • Key elements:
    • Decisions are monitored to ensure consistent application and judgment.
    • A standardized review process – supported by information systems and databases – promotes consistent decision making.

Impartiality: You can expect an objective decision-making process.

  • Key elements:
    • Recourse officers are impartial.
    • The decision maker considers all information, evidence or submissions from the parties to make objective and supportable findings of fact and defensible interpretations of the law.
    • The decision maker is not the same person who made the original decision.
    • The decision maker must respect the CBSA's mandate and policies and the relevant legislation and jurisprudence.

Transparency: You have access to an open redress process.

  • Key elements:
    • The CBSA will disclose all relevant information to you.
    • The CBSA will provide you with reasons for all decisions made.
    • The activities of the CBSA's recourse officers are subject to legislative provisions that protect confidentiality.