Contact the Canadian Grain Commission

We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions. Below are several ways to provide your comments and ask questions about our programs and services.

General contacts

You can contact us:

  • Online: Contact form
  • Email:
  • Mail:
    Canadian Grain Commission
    600-303 Main Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 3G8
  • Telephone: 204-984-0506
  • Toll free: 1-800-853-6705
  • Facsimile: 204-983-2751
  • Teletypewriter (TTY, toll free): 1-866-317-4289

We will address your concerns as quickly as possible.

Program contacts

Select one of the following links to contact a specific program:

Government Electronic Directory Services

You may use the Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS) to find the contact information for a specific Canadian Grain Commission employee.


Technical difficulties

Report a technical problem (e.g. broken links, pages that do not display properly, etc.). Please do not include questions about programs and services.