Frequently asked questions

Get answers to questions about the Canadian Grain Commission:

1. I have heard that there will be changes made to the Canada Grain Act. Where can I find more information about the changes?

The Government of Canada announced changes to the Canada Grain Act that are included in the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012. Information about how these changes would streamline Canadian Grain Commission operations is available.

2. Where can I find more information about selling my grain in the United States?

You can find information regarding a number of topics on the Canada-U.S. Grain and Seed Trade web site. Topics include:

  • Finding a Buyer
  • Grading System
  • Contract and Pricing
  • Crossing the Border
  • Regarding the Delivery of Grain
  • Settlement – Payment
  • Check-offs, Taxes and Other Deductions
  • Relevant Regulations and Standards

The Canada-U.S. Grain and Seed Trade web site is not under the control of the Government of Canada and we are providing a link solely for the convenience of users. Details on our hyperlinking policy can be found under the Hyperlinking notice section of Important Notices.

3. I am thinking about shipping grain to the United States. How does payment protection work if I sell my grain in the United States? Is the Canadian Grain Commission involved?

We have licensed some companies in the United States. If you are considering selling your grain in the United States we recommend you deal with a licensed company. A list of licensed companies is available.

4. Can I grow and sell wheat and barley varieties from the United States?

The Canada Seeds Act and Regulations, administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, prohibits the import of any varieties of seed from the United States for commercial production and sale in Western Canada.

To be eligible to be graded as a Canadian class of wheat or barley, the variety you are growing must be on a variety designation list maintained by us. If you deliver an unregistered variety of wheat or barley to a licensed elevator in Canada, your delivery is only eligible for either the lowest statutory grade of that class, or feed.

However, nothing prevents a producer and a Canadian grain company from negotiating a contract based on quality specifications outside of the statutory grading system for the delivered grain, regardless of the variety.

5. Is there still a producer car program?

Yes, there is still a producer car program. Under the Canada Grain Act, grain producers are entitled to order producer cars from us directly or through an administrator who forwards the application to us. The Canadian Grain Commission allocates cars on the basis of the annual Producer Car Allocation Order.

6. Is the application process for producer cars still the same?

There has been a small change to the information that you will have to provide to us when applying for producer cars. As it was before, your producer car may be scheduled for the week you requested it, provided that the Canadian Grain Commission received your application 2 weeks before the requested week. However, you must now also demonstrate to our satisfaction that the grain to be shipped is committed to a confirmed sale.

7. Are producer car loading sites still available?

We are responsible for allocating producer cars on the basis of the annual Producer Car Allocation Order. We do not control closures of producer car loading sites. According to the Canada Transportation Act, if availability to a producer car loading site is discontinued, the railway company must provide notice in a newspaper in the area where the loading site is located.

8. Is the Canadian Grain Commission still responsible for grading?

Yes, we are still responsible for inspecting and weighing grain received by licensed terminal and transfer elevators. As well, we are still responsible for inspecting and weighing bulk grain shipments destined for overseas markets. We will also continue to provide inspection services at service centres located in the prairies and southern Ontario.

9. I have heard grading will move from a visual basis to falling number. Is this true?

There are no plans to replace visual grading with falling number. Visual inspection assesses many factors affecting processing and product quality, and it does it quickly and cheaply. Falling number, while important to processors, is only one factor that must be considered when evaluating grain quality. The industry currently uses sprouted kernel assessment as a proxy for falling number. On request we conduct falling number tests on wheat exports.

10. Why is Canada still grading grains visually?

Most countries include a visual inspection component in their grain grading practices. Visual grading may seem subjective in nature; however, it is a reliable method of detecting factors that affect end-use quality and safety. The impact of these factors on the overall quality of grain has been studied extensively in our Grain Research Laboratory. Through this research, we have established acceptable tolerances for various grading factors to ensure the safety and end-use qualities of grain. We are currently working to develop technology which will make grain grading more objective. For this technology to be acceptable, it must be able to work as well in an elevator environment as it does in a laboratory, be affordable and not be too time consuming.

11. If I disagree with the grade at a primary elevator, who has the final say over grading?

We have the final say. If you deliver your grain to a licensed primary elevator and disagree with the grade, protein or amount of dockage assigned to your grain, you have the right to ask the elevator operator to send a representative sample to us so we can assign a grade protein or dockage that will be binding on the grain company and the producer.

This right is known as Subject to Inspector’s Grade and Dockage. This right does not currently exist if you deliver your grain to a process elevator or sell to a grain dealer.

12. Is the Canadian Grain Commission responsible for registering new varieties of grains?

No, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for registering new varieties of grains to be grown in Canada. It does so through a series of recommending committees composed of experts in all aspects of the respective commodity’s value chain. Our research and inspection staff serve on these committees and provide their expertise. As well, we are responsible for maintaining lists of registered varieties designated for each wheat class, barley, flaxseed and solin. These lists are known as variety designation lists.

13. Which grains are protected by security at the Canadian Grain Commission?

Producers delivering any of the official grains listed in the Canada Grain Regulations are protected by our security program at licensed elevators. The official grains are:
  • Barley
  • Canola
  • Fababeans
  • Mixed Grain
  • Peas
  • Safflower Seed
  • Sunflower Seed
  • Beans
  • Chick Peas
  • Flaxseed
  • Mustard Seed
  • Rapeseed
  • Triticale
  • Buckwheat
  • Corn
  • Lentils
  • Oats
  • Rye
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat

If you deliver any of the grains on the list above to a licensed company and if they are unwilling or unable to pay you, you have the right to submit a claim for compensation through the Payment Protection Program.

However, if you deliver a grain that isn’t on the list to an elevator or grain dealer and they do not pay you, you are not covered under the Payment Protection Program. Similarly, you won’t be covered if you deliver grain of any kind to an elevator or grain dealer that isn’t licensed by us.

Payment for your grain deliveries is protected, but only for a specified period of time. Be aware of the timelines to ensure that you are paid for your delivery.

14. I have heard the Canada Grain Act will be changed. Will there still be payment protection for producers?

On October 18, 2012, the Government of Canada announced changes to the Canada Grain Act to streamline Canadian Grain Commission operations. One of the proposed changes is to improve our Producer Payment Protection Program, which is a component of the Licensing Program.

Currently, the Producer Payment Protection Program requires that licensed grain elevators and grain dealers buying Western Canadian grains must provide security to cover amounts owed to producers for their deliveries. The program adds significant costs to Western Canadian producers yet does not guarantee 100 percent payment to producers in all circumstances. The costs of the program to industry are ultimately borne by producers.

Changing the Canada Grain Act gives us the flexibility to move from the current security requirement to an insurance-based system. An insurance-based program would reduce costs to the grain sector and reduce risks to producers. Grain elevators and grain dealers would continue to be licensed in the interests of the grain quality assurance system.

The Producer Payment Protection Program is the only producer protection program that would be changed as part of the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012. You will still have the right to request a Subject to inspector’s grade and dockage if you disagree with the grade assigned to your grain when delivering to a licensed primary elevator. As well, you will still have the right to apply for producer cars.

15. Where can I buy Canadian cereal grains, oilseeds, peas, beans and lentils?

We offer a list of marketing and producer organizations that can provide information and contacts to anyone who is interested in buying Canadian grains.

16. What do I need to do to be able to buy grains from Western Canadian producers?

To be eligible to buy grains from Western Canadian producers, you must be licensed by us. There are several steps you must follow when applying for a licence from us.

17. Where can I find information about employment opportunities at the Canadian Grain Commission?

Information about employment opportunities in the federal public service that are open to the general public is posted on the Careers in the federal public service web site (Public Service Commission of Canada). Job postings which are open to the general public are included on this site.

18. Where can I find information on crop production in Canada?

The Canadian Grain Commission provides statistics about grain in Canada, including information about grain elevators, grain exports, deliveries and other grain-related subjects.

For more information about crop production in Canada, including information on crops such as wheat and canola, please visit the following: