Statistics about grain in Canada

Each crop year, the Canadian Grain Commission collects information about Canadian grain. Current and historical data and statistical information are available. Here, you will find information about grain elevators, grain exports, deliveries and other grain-related subjects.


Data collection, improvements and delays

Changes as of August 1, 2013

Effective August 1, 2013 - Week 1: Changes to the Canada Grain Act have resulted in changes to data collection and distribution. Statistics on terminal elevator receipts, shipments and week-ending stocks will be reported by licensed companies and not from grain accounting.

Delays expected

  • Publication of statistics will be impacted due to the implementation of terminal elevator reporting.
  • We appreciate your patience during this transition period.


  • Statistics will include data for all reported products, not just major grains.
  • Statistics will be published with more aggregation of facilities into sectors or regions.
  • Individual tables will be released as available.
  • Statistics will be released in alternate formats, including MS-Excel or CSV format .

For more information please contact the Statistics unit.

Grain elevators

Grain Elevators in Canada offers lists and summaries of:

  • Licensed elevators and their storage capacity
  • Licensed grain dealers

Grain handling

Canadian Grain Exports is an annual review of Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour by crop year. Data is available from the 1997-1998 crop year onward.

Exports of Canadian Grain and Wheat Flour is a monthly and crop year to-date review of grains, oilseeds and wheat flour exported to international markets. Data is available from 2004 onward.

Grain Deliveries at Prairie Points is a detailed summary of grain and oilseed deliveries by shipping point. Data is available from the 1997-1998 crop year onward.

Grain Statistics Weekly is a weekly and crop year to-date report on:

  • The movement of principal grains and oilseeds from Canadian farms for domestic processing and exports.
  • Stocks in commercial facilities.
  • Grain prices and feed grain handlings.

Elevator tariffs or fees

Tariff Summaries list maximum tariffs (fees) that licensed primary, terminal and process elevators charge for elevating, cleaning, drying and storing grain.

A licensed elevator may charge less than the maximum tariff (fee) it has filed with the Canadian Grain Commission. A licensed elevator cannot charge more than the maximum tariff (fee) filed with us. If a licensed elevator increases a maximum tariff, it must notify the Canadian Grain Commission. The Canadian Grain Commission does not set or approve tariffs.


For more information please contact the Statistics unit.