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Banner: Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers
Explorers' IndexBooks and LinksFor TeachersAbout This Site
Mapping the Northwest - 18th Century

Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination!

Samuel Hearne and Matonabbee's Trek to the Arctic Ocean
Alexander Mackenzie Reaches the Pacific
Simon Fraser and the Roller-Coaster River
David Thompson: The Man Who Looks at Stars

Sometimes it's not the destination that's important, so much as the journey. For some explorers the goal was furs, copper or gold. Others sought a route to the Pacific Ocean by land. As these adventurers travelled inland toward the Rocky Mountains and beyond, they recorded what they saw and made maps as they went, gradually filling in the overall map of Canada's northwest. Travelling over high mountains and white water, these explorers encountered surprises at every turn.

This part of the Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers website looks at these adventurers who worked for the two great fur-trading empires of Canada and at the Native people who made their work possible.

Click on the explorer's name to find out more about him.


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