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Banner: Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers
Explorers' IndexBooks and LinksFor TeachersAbout This Site

About this Site

Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers is designed and written for young people approximately 9 to 12 years old.

Most of the explorers featured on this site published accounts of their travels. Many of these original accounts are held at the National Library, and contain some of the images you see here.

A related site entitled Pathfinders and Passageways: The Exploration of Canada has been designed and written for a general audience. It is based on the published accounts of a selection of explorers.


We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Digital Cultural Content Initiative (CDCCI), whose financial assistance made this work possible.

Previously published translations of citations have been provided where they exist. Other translations marked as such have been provided for the purposes of this site only, as an aid to childrens' understanding.

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