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le 12 décembre 2000 / December 12, 2000

JAMC 2000; 163(12)
Medicine the Rough Guide
Éditorial Editorial |
1545 |
Contemplation: of medicine and electronics
PDF] |
1547 |
Réflexion : de la médecine et de l'électronique
PDF] |
1551 |
Greetings from the staff
PDF] |
Research of the Holiday Kind |
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1557 |
Pathology in the Hundred Acre Wood: a neurodevelopmental perspective on A.A. Milne
S.E. Shea, K. Gordon, A. Hawkins,
J. Kawchuk, D. Smith
PDF] |
1562 |
Stethoscopes at rest: the efficacy of traditional versus "cool" placement
W.B. Hanley, A.J.G. Hanley
PDF] |
1566 |
Will this emergency department patient be referred to internal medicine?
J.A. Silverman, M.L. Kohn, on behalf of the REferrals From the ER (REFER) Investigators
PDF] |
1570 |
How to read clinical journals: X. How to react when your colleagues haven't read a thing
S.L. Shumak, D.A. Redelmeier
PDF] |
1576 |
An unexpected benefit of pre-emptive rectal analgesic administration: the "key" to postoperative analgesia
J.L. Parlow
PDF] |
Oh, Canada ! |
| |  |
1581 |
Fifty years at the University of Western Ontario
PDF] |
1582 |
Here in Placentia...
D. Keegan
PDF] |
1583 |
Unrest in the West
M. Johnston
PDF] |
1584 |
Climbing to the top
R. Patterson
PDF] |
1584 |
Northern pleasures
B. Hanley
PDF] |
1585 |
Rant and roar, like a true Newfoundlander
B.L. Deady
PDF] |
1586 |
Medicare, 1949
PDF] |
1588 |
This land is our land
W. Arkinstall
PDF] |
1588 |
Canadian diagnostic and nonstatistical manual of mental disorders (CDNSM-1)
P. Lightfoot
[PDF] |
Canadians Out of
| |  |
1590 |
The aftermath of war: in the minefields of Mozambique
C. O'Connell
PDF] |
1591 |
A snapshot of Canadians in 2000
[HTML / PDF] |
1594 |
Dispatches from abroad: aground in a sea of TB
D. Kittle
PDF] |
1595 |
To boldly go ...
A. Sinclair
[HTML / PDF] |
1598 |
Days of the Hajj
V. Hanlon
PDF] |
1601 |
Dispatches from abroad: laughter amid the land mines
M. Mayhew
PDF] |
1602 |
Lester's little gift
P.B. Charlebois
PDF] |
1603 |
Be Santa to the world's hungry
B. Sibbald
[HTML / PDF] |
1605 |
Dispatches from abroad: fighting maternal mortality in a former Soviet republic
M. Skinnider
PDF] |
1606 |
"Tiene sangre in su caca?"
C.E. Caplan
PDF] |
Essays and Explorations
| |  |
1608 |
Over troubled waters
L. Hazelton
PDF] |
1612 |
Reflections from the edge
D.N. Sheehy
PDF] |
1613 |
Family medicine, 2012
S. McRae
PDF] |
1616 |
G. Roedde
PDF] |
1620 |
The continent of cancer
A. Wilson
PDF] |
1623 |
R. Bayne
PDF] |
1625 |
Reading bodies, not books
P.M. Singh
PDF] |
 | Data |
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Droit d'auteur 2000 Association médicale canadienne ou ses concédants |