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le 23 janvier 2001 / January 23, 2001

JAMC  2001; 164(2)
Highlights of this issue
•  Éditorial
•  Correspondance
•  Recherche
•  Commentaire
•  Synthèse
•  De l'oreille gauche
•  Nouvelles
•  Nécrologie
•  Gens de cœur
Couverture :
Le guide de 1998 sur le traitement du cancer du sein est en voie de révision (page 212 et page 213) et de nouvelles lignes directrices viennent de paraître (page 191). Aussi, dans ce numéro, Ruhee Chaudry et ses collaborateurs (page 183) et Roberto Grilli (page 210) expliquent comment le milieu de soins peut influencer la survie des patientes atteintes du cancer du sein. On voit en couverture l'équipage du Dragons Abreast, entièrement composé de survivantes du cancer du sein.

  Éditorial • Editorial
165 From nannyism to public disclosure:
the BSE Inquiry report
167 De la nounoucratie à la divulgation :
le rapport de l'enquête sur l'ESB

173 Correspondance • Letters
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche • Research
183 Breast cancer survival by teaching status of the initial treating hospital
R. Chaudhry, V. Goel, C. Sawka
191 Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: 11. Lymphedema
S.R. Harris, M.R. Hugi, I.A. Olivotto, M. Levine, for the Steering Committee for Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer
  Guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein : 11. Le lymphœdème
Susan R. Harris, Maria R. Hugi, Ivo A. Olivotto et Mark Levine, pour le Comité directeur des guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein.
    Exposés de recherche Research Letters
203   Benztropine for acute muscle spasm in the emergency department
N.L. Epstein
205   Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in men following short-course corticosteroid therapy: a report of 15 cases
M.D. McKee, J.P. Waddell, P.A. Kudo,
E.H. Schemitsch, R.R. Richards

207   Effectiveness of follow up-letters to health care providers in triggering follow-up for women with abnormal results on Papanicolaou testing
E. Wagner, M.A. Duggan

  Commentaire • Commentary
210   Specialization and cancer: words with too many meanings should be handled with care
R. Grilli
212   Keeping breast cancer guidelines current
J. Hoey
213   Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: adjuvant systemic therapy for node-negative breast cancer (summary of the 2001 update)
M. Levine, for the Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer
214   Inner city health
D.A. Wasylenki

  Synthèse • Review
219 Bioethics for clinicians: 22. Jewish bioethics
G. Goldsand, Z.R.S. Rosenberg, M. Gordon
223 Rheumatology: 11. Evaluation of the patient with pain all over
M.P.E. Puttick
229 Homelessness and health
S.W. Hwang

237 De l'Oreille Gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML]
  • Developmental reading (book review by V. Hanlon) [PDF]
  • Uric acid wit (book review by J. Duffin) [PDF]
  • W.G. Green argues with his cholesterol [PDF]
  • Benjamin Franklin talks to his gout [PDF]
  • A.E. Coates finds a tonic for the kidneys [PDF]

244 Nouvelles • News
  • Canadian MDs help US "drug refugees" bypass high prices [HTML / [PDF]
  • Angry NB physicians continue to take job action [HTML / [PDF]
  • Quebec may tighten medicare eligibility [HTML / [PDF]
  • Mass immunizations old hat for Edmonton's MDs [HTML / [PDF]
  • Social sciences meet basic sciences in new era of health-services research [HTML / [PDF]
  • If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, BMA decides [HTML / [PDF]
  • CMA membership enjoys growth spurt in 2000 [HTML / [PDF]
  • On the Net: Evidence-based medicine in the Palm of your hand [HTML / PDF]
  • Ontario's flu-shot program keeps doctors busy [HTML / [PDF]
  • Patch beats pill in new research [HTML / [PDF]
  • "Hi, Welcome to the ER" [HTML / [PDF]
  • Pulse: Out-of-pocket health care costs [HTML / [PDF]
  • Heads of new institutes to set tone for Canadian research [HTML / [PDF]
  • Conference Report: Gene abnormalities may lead to multiple system defects for heart patients [HTML / [PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Islet transplantation in type 1 diabetes mellitus [HTML / [PDF]
  • Public Health: Winter needn't be the SAD season [HTML / [PDF]

311 Nécrologie • Deaths

Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
312 The human genome leads back to BC
H. Kent

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