Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

March 1, 1995 / 1er mars 1995

CMAJ 1994; 152 (5)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
651 - Shrinking budgets; Les budgets qui fondent, P. Huston

Letters / Correspondance - 655

Editorial / Éditorial
667 - Lessons for atherosclerosis research from tuberculosis and peptic ulcer, M.C. Sutter [abstract / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
675 - Variation in length of stay as a measure of efficiency in Manitoba hospitals, M.D. Brownell, N.P. Roos [abstract / résumé]
687 - Variation in orthopedic surgeons' perceptions of the indications for and outcomes of knee replacement, J.G. Wright, P. Coyte, G. Hawker, C. Bombardier, D. Cooke, D. Heck, R. Dittus, D. Freund [abstract / résumé]
701 - Psychiatric illness and psychosocial concerns of patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer, M.L. Ginsburg, C. Quirt, A.D. Ginsburg, W.J. MacKillop [abstract / résumé]

From the CCDR / Du RMTC
712 - Statement on management of persons exposed to pertussis and pertussis outbreak control [full text]
717 - Déclaration concernant la prise en charge des personnes exposées à la coqueluche, et la lutte contre les épidémies de coqueluche [texte complet]

At A Glance / Aperçu - 725

Special Report / Document
727 - Physicians targeted as abortion debate in US turns violent, M. Korcok [abstract / résumé]

Commentary / Commentaire
731 - Saying goodbye to Canada's single-payer system, C. Carruthers [abstract / résumé]

Case File / Dossier juridique
734 - New prenatal screening procedures raise spectre of more "wrongful-birth" claims, K. Capen

Vista / Panorama
740 - The Waughs tackle the national debt, D. Waugh

CMA Policy Summary / Sommaire de politique de l'AMC
740A - Core and comprehensive health care services
740C - Services de santé de base et intégralité

Finance / Finance
741 - Dalhousie University pediatricians put block funding to test in controversial pilot project, N. Robb

Trends / Tendances
743 - Fashion sense outweighs common sense among some Canadian teens, physicians complain, T. Spears

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
745 - Australia's Flying Doctors re-evaluate medical services needed in the outback, J. Brooks

Resources / Ressources
749 - Use of filters to treat visual-perception problem creates adherents and sceptics, B. Coyle

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