Canadian Medical Association Journal /
August 1, 1997 / Le 1er août 1997
233 - Editor's preface
235 - Mot du rédacteur en chef |
239 - News and analysis / Nouvelles et analyses |
13 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]
Evidence / Études
255 - Needle exchange programs: an economic evaluation of a local experience, M. Gold, A. Gafni, P. Nelligan, P. Millson [full text / résumé] 265 - Regional variation in nonmedical factors affecting family physicians' decisions about referral for consultation, G.R. Langley, S. Minkin, J.E. Till [abstract / résumé] |
Editorials / Éditoriaux
275 - Needle exchange: Panacea or problem?, C. Hankins [full text / résumé] 281 - The US attack on Cuba's health, A.F. Kirkpatrick [full text / résumé] 286 - The case for "a case of . . ." K.M. Flegel |
Education / Éducation
287 - Patient or client? If in doubt, ask, P.C. Wing [full text / résumé] |
Experience / Expérience
291 - In the shadow of plenty, Cuba copes with a crippled health care system, R.C. Williams [full text] |
Public health / Santé publique
295 - Cyclosporiasis: another emerging pathogen comes ashore, D.H. Werker [full text] 296 - Cyclosporiase : un autre agent pathogène nouveau, D.H. Werker [texte complet] |
Features / Chroniques
297 - His own private hospital, D. Jones [full text / en bref] 301 - Does doctors' own fear of dying hinder palliative care? F. Lowry [full text / en bref] 304 - Time to "rethink models of medical education," ACMC meeting told, N. Robb |
347 - Deaths / Nécrologie |
Pulse / Médicogramme
348 - Physician supply: A change in direction? / L'offre d'effectifs médicaux : Changement de cap? |
65 - Books and other media / Livres et autres documents
310 - / |
312 - Conferences / Conférences
314 - Advertisers' index / Index des annonceurs
314 - Prescribing index / Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
335 - Service information / Renseignements aux lecteurs
336 - Classified advertising / Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (3) 229-348 (1997)