March 10, 1998 / Le 10 mars 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158 (5)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
577 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
This month, members of the Class of '98 find out the results of the residency match considered by many a hit-and-miss affair. Student Aaron Cass takes a light-hearted look at the pressures involved
(page 631), and match coordinator Sandra Banner reports that she expects mostly positive results (page 635).
C'est ce mois-ci que les étudiants de la promotion de 1998 apprennent les résultats de leur demande de jumelage en résidence système que nombre d'entre eux voient comme un vaste jeu de hasard. L'étudiant Aaron Cass relate avec humour la tension que vivent les étudiants (page 631), tandis que la coordonnatrice de jumelage Sandra Banner rapporte prévoir des résultats surtout positifs (page 635).
Evidence · Études |
593 |
Discrimination against gay, lesbian and bisexual family physicians by patients, P. Druzin, I. Shrier, M. Yacowar, M. Rossignol [abstract / résumé] |
599 |
Tuberculosis among immigrants: interval from arrival in Canada to diagnosis. A 5-year study in southern Alberta, R.L. Cowie, J.W. Sharpe [abstract / résumé] |
605 |
Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Montreal, P. Rivest, T. Tannenbaum, L. Bédard [abstract / résumé]
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
611 |
Globalization of tuberculosis, E.A. Fanning [full text] |
613 |
Sound privacy for patients, K.M. Flegel, M. Lant [full text] |
615 |
Statement on project-specific industry support for research, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [full text] |
615 |
Énoncé sur l'appui accordé par l'industrie à des projets de recherche, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
[texte complet] |
Education · Éducation |
617 |
Should relatives witness resuscitation? Ethical issues and practical considerations, C. Rosenczweig [full text / résumé] |
621 |
After the strike: using facilitation in a residency training program, D. Andres, D. Hamoline, M. Sanders, J. Anderson [abstract / résumé] |
625 |
Stereotactic radiosurgery: comparing different technologies, M. Schwartz [abstract / résumé] |
Experience · Expérience |
631 |
A farewell to CaRMS, A. Cass [full text] |
Features · Chroniques |
635 |
Postive result expected for residents as match day approaches, S. Banner [full text] |
637 |
Herbal medicine takes root in Germany, P. Harrison [full text / en bref] |
640 |
Teaching on addiction issues lacking in medical school, specialists told, N. Robb [in brief / en bref] |
642 |
Network helps hospitals develop own evidence-based medicine, C. Johnston [in brief / en bref] |
644 |
User-friendly approach lets hospital reach out to disaffected youth, C. Gray [full text / en bref] |
651 |
Books and other media · Livres et autres documents
- The Shelter of Each Other: Rebuilding Our Families
- Golden Years Hidden Fears: Elder Abuse. A Handbook for Front-Line Helpers Working with Seniors
- Making Choices: Treatment of Stage IV (Metatastic) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. A Decision Aid for Patients
- Healthy Eating for 2: Mother and Baby
Resources · Ressources
655 |
Writing for CMAJ Écrire pour le JAMC |
657 |
Acknowledgement of scientific reviewers · Remerciements aux examinateurs scientifiques |
659 |
Conferences · Conférences |
661 |
Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs |
661 |
Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances |
679 |
Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs |
680 |
Classified advertising · Annonces classées |
ISSN 0820-3946 158 (5) 569696 (1998) |
