Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title D
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Index of Book Reviews by Title D in the cmarchive.
The cmarchive index contains all digitized reviews originally published in
the print version of Canadian Review of Materials 1971-1994.
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Daedalus and the Minotaur.
- Priscilla Galloway. Illustrated by Normand Cousineau.
- Review by Valerie Nielsen.
- Grades 5 - 9 / Ages 10 - 14.
Danced In My Brain:
A Woman's Story of Addiction and Recovery
- Kimberley Mansfield
- Review by Grace Shaw
- Grades 10 - 13 / Ages 14 - 18
Dance Like a Poor Man.
- Samuel Hofer.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 6 - 10 / Ages 11 - 15.
The Dancer Who Flew: A Memoir of
Rudolf Nureyev.
- Linda Maybarduk.
- Review by Tom Knutson.
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.
The Dark.
- Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades preschool - 2 / Ages 4 - 7.
The Dark Garden
- Margaret Buffie
- Review by Diane Fitzgerald
- Grades 7 - 10 / Ages 12 - 15
Dark Paths Series.
- Plague Pit
- The Wicker Man
- Allan Frewin Jones.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 5-8 / Ages 10-13.
The Dark Tower.
- Sharon Stewart.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up.
- Ishbel Moore.
- Review by Betsy Fraser.
- Grades 6 - 11 / Ages 11 - 16.
The Day Marlene Dietrich Died.
- Rachel Wyatt.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Adult.
The Day of the Twelve-Story Wave.
- Diane Swanson. Illustrated by Laura Cook.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 2 - 6 / Ages 7 - 12.
The Day Sun Was Stolen
- Jamie Oliviero. Illustrated by Sharon Hitchcock.
- Review by Jennifer Johnson
- Grades Preschool - 4 / Ages 4 - 8
Dead Man's Ticket.
- Peter Trower.
- Review by Floyd Spracklin.
- Grade 12 and up / Age Adult.
Dear Diary, I'm Pregnant - Teenagers Talk About Their Pregnancy.
- Anrenee Englander.
- Review by Cheryl Archer.
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.
Death Drives a Semi.
- Edo van Belkom.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Death in October.
- Lowell Green.
- Review by Floyd Spracklin.
- Grade 12 and up / Age Adult.
The Deep Blue Sky Twinkles with Stars.
- Cyndy Szekeres.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades Preschool - 2/ Ages 2 - 7.
Deer, Moose, Elk and Caribou.
- Deborah Hodge. Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades K - 4 / Ages 5 - 10.
The Defenders.
- Robert Livesay.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 9 - 13.
Dennis and the Fantastic Forest.
- Adrian Raeside.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades K - 7 / Ages 5 - 12.
Depth Markers: Selected Art Writings 1985-1994.
- James D. Campbell.
- Review by Grace Shaw.
- Grades University / Ages Adult.
Dick King-Smith's Animal Friends.
- Dick King-Smith and Anita Jeram.
- Review by Michele F. Kallio.
- Grades 2 - 4 / Ages 7 - 9.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Volume XIV, 1911-1920.
- Edited by Ramsey Cook and Jean Hamelin.
- Review by Alexander Gregor.
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Ding Dong! Merrily on High.
- Francesca Crespi.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades Preschool - 4 / Ages 4 - 10.
Dinosaur: Digging Up a Giant.
- Chris McGowan. Illustrated by Ron Broda.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 11.
Dinosaur Dreams.
- Kerry Westell. Illustrated by Scot Ritchie.
- Review by Donalee Moulton.
- Grades Preschool - 3 / Ages 3 - 8.
- Barbara Nichol. Illustrated by Barry Moser.
- Review by Lorrie Andersen.
- Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up.
Dirty Dog Boogie.
- Loris Lesynski.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades Preschool - 2 / Ages 4 - 7.
Disaster! 36 Real-Life Tragedies. (Rev. Ed.)
- Rene Schmidt.
- Review by Liz Greenaway.
- Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 9 - 13.
- Shelley Hrdlitschka.
- Review by Thomas Knutson.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
Discovering the Iceman: What Was It Like to Find a 5,300-Year-Old Mummy?
- Shelley Tanaka. Illustrated by Laurie McGaw.
- Review by Val Nielsen.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 12.
The Divide.
- Michael Bedard. Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully.
- Review by Val Nielsen.
- Grades 1 - 6 / Ages 6 - 11.
Dr. Ruth Talks About Grandparents.
- Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer with Pierre A. Lehu. Illustrated by Tracey Campbell Pearson.
- Review by Noreen Paterson.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 12.
A Dog Called Houdini.
- C. Everard Palmer.
- Review by Joan Simpson.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
- Sheila Dalton. Illustrated by Kim LaFave.
- Review by John Philbin.
- Grades K - 2 / Ages 5 - 7.
The Dog Who Walked with God.
- Michael J. Rosen. Illustrated by Stan Fellows.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades K - 6 / Ages 5 - 11.
Don't tell anyone, but - UFO experiences in Canada.
- Vicki Cameron.
- Review by Chris Rutkowski.
- Grades 10 - 13 / Ages 14 and up.
Don't Think Twice.
- Alison Lohans.
- Review by Joanne Peters.
- Grades 9 - 12 / Ages 15 - 18.
Do the Doors Open by Magic? And Other Supermarket Questions.
- Catherine Ripley. Illustrated by Scot Ritchie.
- Reviews by A. Edwardsson.
- Grades Preschool - 4 / Ages 3 - 9.
Double or Nothing.
- Dennis Foon.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
Do You Want Fries With That?
- Martyn Godfrey.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 12.
Down the Unmarked Roads.
- Joan Finnigan.
- Review by Willa Walsh.
- Adult.
- Bram Stoker. Retold by Tim Wynne-Jones. Illustrated by Lazlo Gal.
- Review by Val Nielsen.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
Dragon in the Clouds.
- Rosemary Nelson.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
Dragon in the Clouds Study Guide.
- Rosemary Nelson.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grade 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
The Dragon New Year: A Chinese Legend.
- David Bouchard. Illustrated by Zhong-Yang Huang.
- Review by Valerie Nielsen.
- Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 10.
Dragons of Steel.
- John F. Wallace, MC.
- Review by J.R. Cordon.
- Grades 10 - 13 / Ages 14 and up.
- Arthur G. Slade.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
The Dream Collector.
- Troon Harrison. Illustrated by Alan and Lea Daniel.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 1 - 5 / Ages 5 - 9.
Dream Dad.
- Holly Haggarty.
- Review by Noreen Paterson.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 12.
- Mary-Ellen Lang Collura.
- Review by Elaine Seepish.
- Grade 10 - 12 / Ages 14 - 18.
Dream Water.
- Karen Rivers.
- Reviews by Gail Hamilton and Betsy Fraser.
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.
The Dream Where the Losers Go.
- Beth Goobie.
- Review by Sandra Vincent.
- Grades 10 - 12 / Ages 15 - 17.
Driftwood Cove.
- Sandra Lightburn. Illustrated by Ron Lightburn.
- Review by Carol McDougall.
- Grades 1 - 5 / Ages 6 - 11.
- Diana Wieler.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 13 and up.
A Drop of Water - A Book of
Science and Wonder.
- Walter Wick.
- Review by Jo-Anne Mary Benson.
- Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 10.
Duff the Giant Killer.
- Budge Wilson. Illustrated by Kim Lafeve.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades 2 - 4 / Ages 7 - 9.
The Dumb Bunnies.
- Sue Denim. Illustrated by Dav Pilkey.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades Preschool - 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
The Dumb Bunnies' Easter.
- Sue Denim. Illustrated by Dav Pilkey.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades Preschool - 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
The Dumb Bunnies Go To The Zoo.
- Sue Denim. Illustrated by Dav Pilkey.
- Review by Leslie Millar.
- Grades 2 and up / Ages 7 and up.
Durable Tumblers.
- Michael Kenyon.
- Review by Katheryn Broughton.
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up.
The Dust Bowl.
- David Booth. Illustrated by Karen Reczuch.
- Review by Floyd Spracklin.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
Index of Book Reviews
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