Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title O
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Index of Book Reviews by Title O in the cmarchive.
The cmarchive index contains all digitized reviews originally published in
the print version of
Canadian Review of Materials 1971-1994.
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Of Luck and War: From Squeegee Kid to Bomber Pilot in World War II.
- Les Morrison.
- Review by Alexander D. Gregor.
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
Of Things Not Seen
- Don Aker
- Review by Dave Jenkinson
- Grades 6 - 10 / Ages 11 - 15
Of Two Minds.
- Carol Matas and Perry Nodelman.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 5-7 / Ages 11-13.
O Is for Orca
- Andrea Helman. Photographs by Art Wolfe.
- Review by Carol Carver.
- Preschool - Grade 3 / Ages 3 - 8.
Oh, Tucker!
- Steven Kroll. Illustrated by Scott Nash.
- Review by Liz Greenaway.
- Grades preschool - 3 / Ages 3 - 7.
The Old Brown Suitcase: A Teenager's Story of War and Peace
- Lillian Boraks-Nemetz
- Review by Janie Wilkins
- Grades 5 - 10 / Ages 11 - 16
Old Timers: The One That Got Away!
- Noa Schwartz. Illustrated by Erica Vipond.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 2-4 / Ages 7-9.
The Olden Days Coat.
- Margaret Laurence. Illustrated by Muriel Wood.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades 2 and up / Ages 7 and up.
Olive, the Other Reindeer.
- J. Otto Seibold. Illustrated by Vivian Walsh.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades preschool - 1 / Ages 4 - 6.
Olympics 100: Canada at the Summer Games.
- Cleve Dheensaw.
- Review by Marsha Kaiserman.
- All ages.
Once Upon a Breath: The Story of a Wolf, 3 Pigs & Asthma.
- Aaron Zevy. Illustrated by Susan Tebbutt.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades preschool - 2 / Ages 3 - 7.
One Duck.
- Hazel Hutchins. Illustrated by Ruth Ohi.
- Review by Helen Arkos.
- Grades K - 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
One In A Million.
- Nicholas Read. Edited by Kim Nash. Illustrated by Chum McLeod.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 10 - 14.
One Magical Summer.
- Nancy L. M. Russell.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 3-6 / Ages 9-12.
One Small Lost Sheep.
- Claudia Mills. Illustrated by Walter Lyon Krudop.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades preschool - 2 / Ages 4 - 8.
One Thing That's True.
- Cheryl Foggo.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
One, Two, Many
- Mark Thurman
- Review by Alison Mews
- Grades K - 2 / Ages 5 - 7
One Village, One War: 1914-1945
- Douglas How
- Review by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 10 - 13 / Ages 14 - Adult
The Only Outcast.
- Julie Johnston.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.
On the Go.
- Roger Paré with Bertrand Gauthier. Illustrated by Roger Paré.
- Translated by David Homel.
- Review by Diane Fitzgerald.
- Preschool - Grade 4 / Ages 4 - 9.
On Tumbledown Hill.
- Tim Wynne-Jones. Illustrated by Dusan Petricic.
- Review by Val Nielsen.
- Grades K-3 / Ages 5-8.
- Colleen Sydor. Illustrated by Ruth Ohi.
- Review by Liz Greenaway.
- Grades Preschool-2 / Ages 4-7.
Oonga Boonga.
- Frieda Wishinsky. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
- Review by Alison Mews.
- Grades preschool - 2 / Ages 3 - 7.
Overheard by Conifers.
- John V. Hicks.
- Review by Willa Walsh.
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
Over the Top of the World - Explorer Will Steger's Trek across the
- Will Steger and Jon Bowermaster. Illustrated by Allison Russo.
- Review by Jo-Anne Mary Benson.
- Grades 3 - 8 / Ages 8 - 13.
Index of Book Reviews
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