Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title A
You can also check our Index of Book Reviews by Title A in the cmarchive. The cmarchive index contains all digitized reviews originally published in the print version of Canadian Review of Materials 1971-1994.
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A B C Discovery!
- Izhar Cohen.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades Preschool - 6 / Ages 4 - 12.
The ABC's of Farming.
- Terry Chamberlain.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.
Accidental Discoveries from Laughing Gas to Dynamite. (Rev. ed.: Originally published as The
Serendipity Effect).
- Larry Verstraete. Illustrated by John Etheridge.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
The Accidental Orphan.
- Constance Horne.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
Across Frozen Seas.
- John Wilson.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 3 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Active Living: The Miracle Medicine for a Long and Healthy Life.
- Gordon W. Stewart.
- Review by Marsha Kaiserman.
- All ages.
After Paradise.
- Janis Rapoport.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades 11 and up / Ages Adult.
After the War.
- Carol Matas.
- Review by Ian Stewart.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
After the War.
- Carol Matas.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
Aiko's Flowers.
- Rui Umezawa. Illustrated by Yuji Ando.
- Review by Janice Foster.
- Grades Preschool - 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
Albert Goes to Town.
- Jennifer Jordan. Illustrated by Shannon McNeill.
- Review by Luella Sumner.
- Grades Preschool - 1 / Ages 2 - 6.
Alecia's Challenge. (Sports Stories,
- Sandra Diersch.
- Review by Audrey Cormier.
- Grades 3 - 8 / Ages 8 - 13.
Alexander Graham Bell: An Inventive Life.
- Elizabeth MacLeod.
- Review by Joan Simpson.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 11.
Alice Falls Apart.
- Perry Nodelman. Illustrated by Stuart Duncan.
- Review by Naomi Gerrard.
- Grades Preschool to 3 / Ages 3 - 8.
Aliens in the Basement.
- Susan Reid. Illustrated by Susan Gardos.
- Review by Noreen Paterson.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 10.
All Aboard! Cross Curricular Design and Technology
Strategies and Activities.
- The Metropolitan Toronto School Board. Edited by Julie E. Czerneda.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades K - 6 / Ages 5 - 11.
Alligators & Crocodiles.
- Karen Dudley. Illustrated by Warren Clark.
- Review by Luella Sumner.
- Grades 3 - 8 / Ages 9 - 14.
Almonte's Brothers of the Wind. R. Tait McKenzie and James Naismith.
- Frank Cosentino.
- Review by Thomas F. Chambers.
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Almost a Lifetime
- John McMahon
- Review by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 9 - 13 / Ages 13 and up.
Alone at Ninety Foot.
- Katherine Holubitsky.
- Review by Joan Marshall.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
Alphabake: A Cookbook and Cookie Cutter Set.
- Debora Pearson. Illustrated by Jane Kurisu.
- Review by Kenneth Field.
- Grades Preschool - 6 / Ages 3 - 11.
- Bobbie Kalman & Niki Walker.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 10.
Amanda Adams Loves Herbie Hickle.
- Patti Farmer. Illustrated by Daniel Sylvestre.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades K - 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
Amazing Allstar Hockey Activity
- Jesse, Noah and Julian Ross. Illustrated by Anne De Grace.
- Review by Lorraine Douglas.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
Amazing Grace: The Story of the Hymn.
- Linda Granfield. Illustrated by Janet Wilson.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up.
Amy's Promise.
- Bernice Thurman Hunter.
- Review by Jennifer Sullivan.
- Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10 - 13.
Anabel Lee.
- Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated by Gilles Tibo.
- Review by Joan C. Simpson.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
Ancient Egypt. (History
- Philip Ardagh. Illustrated by Colin King.
- Review by Ian Stewart.
- Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10 - 13.
Anastasia's Album.
- Hugh Brewster.
- Review by Sharon A. McLennan McCue.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
Andrew's Loose Tooth.
- Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades Preschool - 1 / Ages 4 - 6.
Angels in the Snow.
- Wenda Young.
- Review by Joan Marshall.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
The Angel Tree.
- Robin Muller.
- Review by Jennifer Sullivan.
- Grades Preschool - 2 / Ages 4 - 7.
Animal Senses: How Animals See, Hear, Taste, Smell and Feel.
- Pamela Hickman. Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 2 - 6 / Ages 7 - 11.
Animal Trackers Around the World
- At the Poles.
- On Safari.
- In the Jungle.
- Down Under.
- Tessa Paul.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 9.
An Anthology for the Earth.
- Judy Allen (ed.)
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up.
Aphid & The Shadow Drinkers.
- Steven Lattey.
- Review by Joanne Peters.
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up.
Around the World in Eighteen Plays: Folk Tale scripts for the Classroom.
- Claire Northrop.
- Review by Patricia Fry.
- Grades K - 6 / Ages 5 - 11.
Arrowdreams: An Anthology of Alternate Canadas.
- Edited by Mark Shainblum and John Dupuis.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Arctic Stories.
- Michael Avaarluk Kusugak. Illustrated by Vladyana Langer Krykorka.
- Review by Valerie Nielsen.
- Grades K - 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
Art and Illustration for the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents.
- Review by Joan Walters.
- Professional.
Artists' Workshop Series.
Animals, Landscapes,
Portraits, Stories.
- Clare Roundhill and Penny King. Edited by Bobbie Kalman.
- Review by Grace Shaw.
- Grades 3 - 9 / Ages 8 - 14.
Assessment and ESL:
On the Yellow Big Road to the Withered of OZ.
- Barbara Law and Mary Eckes.
- Review by Gail Lennon.
- Professional.
At Home.
- Jinny Johnson. Illustrated by Sue Cony.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades Preschool / Ages 3 and up
At the Market.
- Jinny Johnson. Illustrated by Sue Cony.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades Preschool / Ages 3 and up.
Atlantic Sea Stories.
- Edited by John Bell.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.
The Atlas of Archaeology: The Definitive Guide to the Location, History & Significance of the
World's Most Important Archeological Sites & Finds.
- Mick Aston and Tim Taylor.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up.
The Atlas of the World's Worst Natural Disasters.
- Lesley Newson.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
Atom Bomb.
- Tom Seddon.
- Review by Ian Stewart.
- Grades 7 - 9 / Ages 12 - 15.
Attack on Montreal.
- Pierre Berton.
- Review by Catherine Cox.
- Grades 6 - 10 / Ages 11 - 14.
Aunt Mary Buttons.
- Diane Jarvis Jones.
- Review by Lorraine Douglas.
- All ages.
Awake and Dreaming.
- Kit Pearson.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title
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