Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title T
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Index of Book Reviews by Title T in the cmarchive.
The cmarchive index contains all digitized reviews originally published in
the print version of
Canadian Review of Materials 1971-1994.
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Take My Words: A Wordaholics Guide to the English Language.
- Howard Richler.
- Review by Mark Morton.
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
The Taker's Key.
- Martine Bates.
- Review by Tom Knutson.
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
- Edited by R.P. MacIntyre.
- Review by Rory Runnells.
- Grade 10 and up / Ages 15 and up.
Tangled in Time.
- Lynne Fairbridge.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 11 - 14.
Tales of Wonder and Magic.
- Berlie Doherty (Compiler). Illustrated by Juan Wijngaard.
- Review by Valerie Nielsen.
- Grades 4 and up / Ages 9 and up.
- Discovery Box Series
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up.
Tchaikovsky Discovers America.
- Esther Kalman.
- Review by T.S. Casaubon.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
The Teacher's Complete & Easy Guide to the
- Ann Heide and Linda Stilborne.
- Review by Janice Foster.
- Teachers K - 12.
Teachers' Manual for Chess.
- Chess Federation of Canada
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- All ages.
Teaching Tools for the Information Age. (Information Power Series)
- Carol Koechlin and Sandi Zwaan.
- Review by Dianne Oberg.
- Professional.
Teaching to Wonder: Responding to Poetry in the Secondary Classroom.
- Carl Leggo.
- Review by Joanne Peters.
- Professional Resource.
Teddy Bear.
- Lindley Boeghold. Illustrated by Pam Wall.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades Preschool / Ages 3 months - 2.
Tell Me Again About the Night I Was
- Jamie Lee Curtis. Illustrated by Laura Cornell.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades Preschool - 2 / Ages 3 - 7.
Telling Tales on the Rim: Folk Tales from around
the Pacific Rim.
- Naomi Wakan.
- Review by Elinor M. Kelly.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Telling Tales on the Rim:Teacher's Guide.
- Naomi Wakan.
- Review by Elinor M. Kelly.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Ten Mondays for Lots of Boxes.
- Sue Ann Alderson. Illustrated by Caddie T'Kenye.
- Review by A. Edwardsson.
- Grades Preschool - 3 / Ages 4 - 7.
Ten Ways to Tighten Your Prose: A Systematic Approach to Improvement.
- Susan Ioannou.
- Review by T.S. Causabon.
- Grades 10 and Up / Ages 14 to Adult.
There's a Mouse in My House!
- Sheree Fitch. Illustrated by Leslie Elizabeth Watts.
- Review by Elizabeth Buckland.
- Grades Preschool - 5 / Ages 5 - 11.
They Never Gave Up: Adventures in Early Aviation.
- Michael Wilkey.
- Review by Helen Arkos.
- Grades 3 - 9 / Ages 8 - 14.
They've Escaped Out of His Mind!
- Roger Davenport. Pictures by John W. Taylor.
- Review by Jennifer Johnson.
- Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10 and up.
Think Sports: Challenging Activities Based on Popular Sports and Famous Athletes.
- Kenneth Swan.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 9 - 13 and Professional Reading.
This Land: A Cross-Country Anthology of
Canadian Fiction for Young Readers.
- Kit Pearson.
- Review by Alison Mews.
- Grades 7 - 9 / Ages 12 - 15.
This Means War!
- Bev Spencer.
- Review by Joan Marshall.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 -12.
This New Baby.
- Teddy Jam. Illustrated by Karen Reczuch.
- Review by Helen Arkos.
- Grades Preschool - 1 / Ages 4 - 6.
Thora's Island Home.
- Sylvia Sigurdson.
- Review by Katherine Matthews.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 13.
Those That Float, Those That Don't.
- Ken Fulk and Keith Potter.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades Preschool / Ages 1 - 3.
Those Tiny Bits of Beans.
- John Weier. Illustrated by David Beyer.
- Review by Leslie Millar.
- Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 11.
Three Against Time.
- Margaret Taylor.
- Review by Jennifer Sullivan.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
3-D Paper Crafts.
- Ron Broda and Joanne Webb.
- Review by Lorraine Douglas.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 11.
Three Monks, No Water.
- Ting-Xing Ye. Illustrated by Harvey Chan.
- Review by Janice Foster.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 10.
Three on Three.
- Eric Walters.
- Review by Joan Marshall.
- Grades 2 - 5 / Ages 7 - 10.
Three Sensible Adventures.
- Greg Wilson. Illustrated by William Lytle.
- Review by Liz Greenaway.
- Grades 1 - 5 / Ages 7 - 11.
Through A Canadian Periscope.
- Julie J. Ferguson.
- Review by Ian Stewart.
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up.
Through Footless Halls of Air: The Stories of a Few of the Many Who Failed to Return.
- Floyd Williston.
- Review by Thomas F. Chambers.
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up.
Thru the Smoky End Boards, Canadian Poetry about Sports and Games.
- Edited by Kevin Brooks and Sean Brooks.
- Review by Rory Runnells.
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 16 and up.
Thunder Ice.
- Alison Acheson.
- Review by Lorraine Douglas.
- Grades 4 - 5 / Ages 9 - 11.
Tides of Change: Faces of the Northwest Coast.
- Sheryl McFarlane.
- Review by Lorraine Douglas.
- All Ages.
Time Like a River.
- Randy Perrin with Hannah and Tova Perrin.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades 5 - 7 / Ages 10 - 13.
A Time to Choose
- Martha Attema
- Review by Michele F. Kallio
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 11 and up
Time to Eat: Animals Who Hide and Save Their Food.
- Little Wonders: Animal Babies and Their Families.
- Marilyn Baillie. Illustrated by Romi Caron.
- Review by Luella Sumner.
- Grades K - 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
To Every Thing There is a Season:
Verses from Ecclesiastes.
- Leo and Diane Dillon.
- Review by Valerie Nielsen.
- All grades / Ages 5 and up.
Tommy Douglas: Building the New
Society. (The Quest Library, 4).
- Dave Margoshes.
- Review by Alexander D. Gregor.
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.
The Tomorrow Tunnel.
- Kristin Butcher.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 5 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
Toni and the Dandelions
- Vivian Hitchman
- Review by Brenda Partridge
- Grades K - 2 / Ages 4 - 8
Too Many Suns.
- Julie Lawson. Illustrated by Martin Springett.
- Review by Diane Fitzgerald.
- Grades K - 6 / Ages 5 - 10.
The Toothpaste Genie.
- Sandy Frances Duncan.
- Review by Review by Liz Greenaway.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
Toots and the Upside Down House.
- Carol Hughes. Illustrated by J. Garett Sheldrew, Richard Moore, Anthony
Stacchi, John Stevenson.
- Review by Donna Doyle.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 9.
Touch of the Clown.
- Glen Huser.
- Review by Joanne Peters.
- Grades 7 - 9 / Ages 12 - 14.
Toward a Catalogue of Falling.
- Meira Cook.
- Review by Willa Walsh.
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 18 and up.
The Tramp Room.
- Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 5-9 / Ages 10-13.
Trapped in Ice.
- Eric Walters.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 4 - 8 / Ages 9 - 13.
Traveling On into the Light.
- Martha Brooks.
- Review by Elaine Seepish.
- Grades 8 - 13 / Ages 14 and up.
Trial by Fire.
- Sheila Dalton.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 8 - 11 / Ages 13 - 16.
The True Meaning of Crumbfest.
- David Weale. Illustrated by Dale McNevin.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
Truly Grim Tales.
- Priscilla Galloway.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grades 7 - 13 / Ages 12 and up.
T-Shirt Fun.
- Petra Boase.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
- Teddy Jam. Illustrated by Harvey Chan.
- Review by Carol McDougall.
- Grades 2 - 4 / Ages 7 - 10.
The Tuesday Cafe.
- Don Trembath.
- Review by Irene Gordon.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
The TV Book: Talking Back to Your TV.
- Shelagh Wallace. Illustrated by Lorraine Tuson and Brian Bean.
Activities guide by Chris M. Worsnop.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 4 - 9 / Ages 9 - 14.
The TV Book: The Kids Guide to Talking Back.
- Shelagh Wallace. Illustrated by Lorraine Tuson and Brian Bean.
- Review by Floyd Spracklin.
- Grades 9 - 12 / Ages 14 - 17.
The Twilight Marsh and Other Wilderness Adventures.
- Todd Lee. Illustrations by Jim Brennan.
- Review by Harriet Zaidman.
- Grade 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 11.
Twin Cities: Alberni-Port Alberni.
- Jan Peterson.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 9 - 13 / Ages 14 and up.
Two Shores / Deux rives.
- Thuong Vuong-Riddick.
- Review by Kathleen L. Kellett-Betsos .
- Grades 11 - 13 / Ages 15 and up.
Two Too Many.
- Jo Ellen Bogart.
- Review by Leslie Millar.
- Grades K - 2 / Ages 5 - 8.
Index of Book Reviews
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