Vol 8, No 2 (1993)

Table of Contents


Two Views from the Bridge: A Comparison of the Perceptions of Students and Instructors of Elements in the Audio-Teleconferencing Environment Abstract HTML
David Kirby, Urmil Chugh 1-17
Le profil d'apprentissage des étudiants inscrits dans un certificat de cycle offert à distance et sur campus: Une étude comparative Abstract HTML
Louise Sauvé, Jean-Réal Nadeau, Gilbert Leclerc 19-35
Encadrement assisté par ordinateur et formation à distance Abstract HTML
Richard Hotte 37-53
Women, Death, and Dying: Distance Education as a Way of Linking Personal Experience with Sociocultural Understanding Abstract HTML
Jean McKenzie Leiper 55-68


Is it Time to Rid Universities of Distance Education? Details HTML
David Kirby 69-72

Book Reviews

Developing Open Learning Courses Details HTML
D. Randy Garrison 73-76
Distance Education in British Columbia: Selected Papers and Case Studies Details HTML
Barbara MacPherson 77-79
The Management of Distance Learning Systems Details HTML
Ross Paul 80-82
The Foundations of Adult Education in Canada Details HTML
Gordon Thompson 83-85