As College members, all nurses are responsible for practising in accordance with the laws, regulations and standards governing the nursing profession in Ontario. They are also expected to engage in life-long learning, renew their registration annually, and provide the College with all practice-related information as required by law.
Standards & Guidelines
Documents designed to support nurses in providing safe and ethical nursing care.
College Documents
A list of all the documents currently available from the College, including practice standards and registration guides.
Abuse Prevention
Details about One Is One Too Many, the College’s abuse prevention program.
Ask Practice
The College answers questions about nursing practice.
Learning Modules
A series of online resources designed to help nurses understand and apply Practice Standards.
Medication Decision Tool
This tool is designed to help you apply the Medication practice standard. The practice standard is principle-based, which means that it uses broad statements. You will need to use critical inquiry and your knowledge, skill and judgment when making decisions about medication practices. This tool is...
Pandemic Planning
Information and resources to assist nurses, employers and facility operators in the event of a declared pandemic.
Nurse Practitioners
Provides information and educational resources designed specifically for Nurse Practitioners practising in Ontario.
Virtual forums for nurses, students and employers to discuss nursing-related issues.
Professional Liability Protection
Information for nurses about the new PLP requirement and how it may affect their practice.
Declaration of Practice
The College’s Registration Regulation requires all nurses in the General or Extended Classes to make a declaration about their nursing practice within the previous three years. Nurses will make this declaration at the time of membership renewal, or at any other time when requested by the...
Mandatory Member Emails
The following questions and answers provide some background information about the requirement to provide an email address, and how your email will be used by the College. General Why do I have to provide my email to the College? The College is increasing the...
Annual Membership Renewal
Once a year, each member of the College must renew their membership to continue practising as a nurse in Ontario. Renewing your membership involves answering questions about your employment status and areas of practice and education, and paying an annual fee. Members who fail to complete the...
Nurses practising in Ontario are required to provide the College with details of any findings of guilt for offences, findings of professional negligence, and/or information regarding disciplinary or incapacity proceedings from other governing bodies.
Non-Practising Class
The following are responses to commonly asked questions about the Non-Practising Class. General Questions What is the Non-Practising Class? Membership in the Non-Practising Class gives current or former members of the College’s General or Extended classes who are not currently practising...
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Request for Verification of Registration Form
The purpose of this document is to verify to another regulatory board that you are, or were, registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario. We will not send this document to an employer or a school.