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SYLVIA ADAMS was born in Brockville, Ontario. She studied atQueen,s University in Kingston where she received a Bachelor,sin English and psychology. Sylvia is now a full-time, freelancewriter/researcher and a poetry columnist for The Ottawa Citizen.Her work has appeared in numerous literary magazines and has beenfeatured in radio broadcasts.

JOSH AUERBACH'S poetry has been published in literary journals in Canada, the USA, Australia, the UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Greece and Japan. Recent work is in The Fiddlehead, Short Fuse Anthology (Rattapallax), Poetry NZ, Abiko Quarterly and Potomac Review. His poems have received the Milton Acorn Prize, the Irving Layton Award, the Warren Keith Wright Award, the Ray Burrell Awarde, as well as commendation for the Petra Davoren Prize and the LaPointe Prize. His recently completed first ms. is entitled Natural Exile. He is editor of Vallum.

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KEMENY BABINEAU lives and writes in Mt. Pleasant Ontario Southwith two daughters, aged 5 and 2, and his ageless wife Laurie.He has been published in some Canadian magazines and has had onechapbook entitled "Aural Geology" published byhousepress and four self published chapbooks, the latest of which,"The Apps Mill Sequence" and "To andFro," are still available. Currently he is editing apoetry manuscript entitled "What Remains" outof imperfection. Also, he is compiling the forthcoming anthology"The Mentor's Canon."

DEAN BAKER was born in Toronto, divides his time between Toronto, countryside Ontario towns, and a small coastal city in California. Member of Socan, has performed his songs and poems in Toronto and California; edited a book for Joe Rosenblatt; recipient of 2 unsolicited Ontario Arts Council awards; has over 200 poems and prose poems published in over 130 publications in Canada, the USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, etc., such as Descant, Carleton Literary Review, Poetry WLU, The Prairie Journal, Freelance, Nexus, Bitterroot, Oxalis, Bogg, Aileron, RE:AL, Art Times, Pegasus, Impetus, On The Bus, and many others. thepoet@rogers.com, deanjb1951@yahoo.com, http://www.deanjbaker.com

REBECCA ANNE BANKS was born and grew up in Toronto, Ontario.  While young she was taken to the Mariposa Festival on Toronto Island, which was the beginning of her love for Folk and Traditional music. She has been writing Romantic Poetry for 24 years and began knitting music to the rhymes 9 years ago.  Her songs are original Renaissance Lullabies, reminiscent of tea and oranges, some of which have been created around poetry of the Old Poets.  In 2002, Tea at Tympani Lane Records was founded, in 2003 her first CD Rebecca Anne Banks: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue . . . was recorded and in 2005 she was online at www.tympanilanerecords.com.   Online many offerings may be found; Poet’s Corner features poetry she has written since 1985, selections of Lyrics for upcoming recording projects, a  Newsletter and on About Us how the company name was inspired by her Great-grandmother. She has written and composed poetry and music for approximately 200 songs.  The Northern Woman Journal has published her poetry.  She has read her poetry at the Art Bar at The Gladstone Hotel,  Edible readings at 89 Harbord Street and played her poetry and music at Hart House, Hugh’s Room, Café at the Center, Shakespeare’s Café, the Free Times Café, the Toronto Island Clubhouse and the Allan Garden’s Conservatory, Toronto, Canada.  Most Summers, on the occasional Saturday afternoon, you can hear her play on Cumberland Street in Yorkville.




GWEN BARTLEMAN is a proud, out dyke who was born in Ottawa and has called Toronto home since 1981. She works in theatre and the visual arts and her poems and prose have been published in anacoenisis (TRADE: Queer Things); The Last Sex (St. Martin's Press); Church Wellesley Review/Xtra Magazine (Pink Triangle Press); Rites Magazine and she has given public readings at Strange Sisters, 40 Tiny Performances, Cheap Queers and The Toronto Fringe Festival. Currently, she is working on Floating in an Eddy of Femme, her first collection of poetry.

DIEGO BASTIANUTTI Born in Fiume in 1939, he moved with his family to Genoa in 1947 after the option to remain Italians, and 5 years later emigrated to North America. After a B.A.h. and an M.A. in Spanish literature, and an M.A. in International Business, he received a Ph.D. in Spanish literature from the University of Toronto. Professor of Spanish literature at Queens University from 1970 to 1997, he was also responsible for the development of the Italian Studies programme. During his tenure he initiated and promoted a variety of cultural activities founding among others the Dante Alighieri Society and being named Honorary Vice Consul of Italy for Eastern Ontario (1977-1995). Besides his academic publications in Spanish, Italian and English dealing in particular with Spanish theatre of the XVI and XVII centuries, and the development of Computer Assisted Programmes (CAI) for the teaching of foreign languages, he published the definitive English translation of the poetic works of Ungaretti, A Major Selection of the Poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti. Toronto: Exile Editions, 1997, 466 pp., which received the 1998 John Glassco Prize for best translation in English of a foreign literary work.Thanks to academic grants he published two volumes of poetry: Il punto caduto and La barca in secco. His third volume of poetry, Per un pugno di terra/For a Fistful of Soil (240 pp.) has been published in both in Italian and English.

MARION BECK-Born Rossendale, England. Canadian citizen since1973. Resident of Regina, Sask. Winner of the Short Grain ProsePoem Contest 1991. Two time winner in People's Poetry PoliticalPoem Contest 1995,1996.
Chapbooks: Notebook Of An Immigrant 1983 Thin Grafts1986 Poems For Amazons 1995 Poems have appeared in small magazine anthologies such as Lodestone1993 and Waiting For You To Speak 1999.


GEORGE BERNSTEIN was born and educated in Toronto. An orthopedicsurgeon currently practising in Windsor, he has published manypoems, several stories, essays and book reviews in Canadian andAmerican journals. He serves as a corresponding editor of MEDIPHORand is a member of Windsor Officers, Club, Canadian Author,sAssociation, National Writers Press Club, New York Academy ofSciences and Biological Section of American Institute of Aeronauticsand Astronautics.



CATHERINE BLACK is a Toronto-born writer and a graduate of The School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s M.F.A. writing program. Presently she teaches critical writing at the Ontario College of Art and Design and facilitates creative writing workshops for street youth in downtown Toronto. Her poetry has appeared in several Canadian and American literary journals including The Fiddlehead, The Harpweaver, Scrivener Creative Review, and Rhino.


JOHN BROOK was born in Shropshire, England in 1931. He servedas a RAF pilot officer, before migrated to Australia in 1953,where he earned a B.A. and subsequently taught English and French.He also holds a diploma in contemporary French culture from Lille,France. His poetry has been published in Australia and Canadaand he was the First Poet Laureate of Kamloops, B.C., where he,now retired, lives with his wife.

IAN BURGHAM was born in Auckland, New Zealand but grew up in Canada. he attended Queen's University where he read English Literature. Burgham has not only travelled extensively throughout the world, but lived and worked in New Zealand and Scotland. he attended the University of Edinburgh and graduated with a Master of Letters (MLitt) degree, his thesis focussing on the poetic theory of William Blake. A senior editor at Canongate Publishing in Edinburgh, he worked with many well known poets including Ian Crichton Smith, Sorley MacLean, and Alistair Reid. Later, he was appointed Publisher of Macdonald Publishers working alongside the late Calum Macdonald. McLean Dubois of Edinburgh published a small chapbook of Burgham's poetry, The Confession of Birds, with an introduction by Alexander McCall Smith, noted author of The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, and winner of the Silver Booker Prize in 2003. For the past year Burgham has worked under the mentorship of award winning poet, Albert Moritz. Currently, Burgham works for the Griffin Trust for Excellence in poetry to promote the Griffin Prize in international markets.


JENNA BUTLER is an educator and poet who makes her home in Edmonton, Alberta. She is the winner of CBC's Alberta Anthology (2004) and the James Patrick Folinsbee Award (2004), among others. Her work has been widely published in literary magazines, journals and anthologies in Canada and abroad, including The Moosehead Anthology X: Future Welcome (DC Books, 2005). Butler has edited ten collections of poetry in Canada and England, and is now working on a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of East Anglia, UK. Her newest collection, Forcing Bloom, is scheduled for release in early 2007 from Mercutio Press.

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FERN G. Z. CARR is a former lawyer, teacher and past president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.  She has composed and translated poems in French, Italian and Spanish. Carr has been invited to New York to do a poetry reading in conjunction with a book launch. Her work has been published extensively in the USA, Canada, Italy, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, India and Finland.

LAUREN M. CARTER'S work has appeared in Green's Magazine,Grain, Event, Contemporary Verse 2, Adbusters, Another TorontoQuarterly and other publications. She was short-listed forThis Magazine's 2001 Great Canadian Literary Hunt, their2002 Best New Writer ­ Creative Non-Fiction Competition and,with Ontario Arts Council's assistance, has completed a firstmanuscript of poetry. Other interests include travelling ­Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Eastern and Western Europe and otherplaces ­ and activist work in the Humanist Movement.

LILIANA CONTI emigrated from Italy in 1959. She attended both University of Toronto and York University and became a teacher and a mother of five children.

Now Lillian Conti has a degree in Theology from Tyndale University and is a licensed Pastor. She is presently teaching Theology, English and Art. The stories and poems in her book: The Two Hearts Of My house, I Due Cuori Di Casa Mia capture the essence of her spirituality.

DINA E. COX mother, musician and former high school teacher,has recently returned to writing poetry after raising four children.A Maritimer living in Unionville, Ontario, she has had poetrypublished in various periodicals and anthologies, including TheGaspereau Review, Canadian Writer's Journal, The Cormorant, SijoWest, LYNX, Strong Winds, Life Love Death and a Side Order ofPoetry, and Haiku Canada.

LINDA LEE CROSFIELD was born in Nelson, BC in 1948. She worked for Air Canada in Ottawa, Windsor, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, before returning to the Kootenays in 1988. From 1991 to 1996 she studied creative writing at the Kootenay School of Arts in Nelson. Her poems have appeared in Room of One?s Own, Horsefly, The New Orphic Review, Poemata, Between Sleeps (en theos press 2006), Literary Mama: Reading for the Maternally Inclined (Seal Press 2006), The Fed Anthology (Anvil Press 2003), and in Ways to Get to Here (NIB Publishing 2004). In 2005 her poetry manuscript, Cudda Been Rich, was among the top ten considered for the Shaunt Basmajian Chapbook Award. She?s a member of the editorial committee for Word Works, the Federation of BC Writers? quarterly journal. Linda lives in Ootischenia, near Castlegar, BC, where she writes poetry and prose and creates hand-made books through her imprint, NIB Publishing. NIB stands for nose-in-book, where hers can usually be found. Visit her online at http://web.mac.com/lindacrosfield/iWeb/lindaleecrosfield/Home.html

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KAREN EYO lives and works in Toronto. She has entertained audienceswith her poetry on stage and radio. Her first book Juliet isBleeding, inspired by sculptors and painters, is currentlyin its second edition. Reflections is her second book.

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MARK FEATHERSTONE'S work has appeared in HMS Beagleand The Mandrake Poetry Review. His poem "The offer"was an editor's choice in the Arc Poem of the Year Contest (2000).He is a biologist at McGill University, and lives in MontrealWest with his wife and two sons.

PEGGY FLETCHER, born in Newfoundland, living in Sarnia, ON. Author of five poetry books,  four poetry chapbooks, one short story collection, full-length play,  numerous publications in literary journals and magazines  including Antigonish Review, West Coast Review, Small Pond,, Chatelaine,  Poetry Australia.  Has won many awards.  Member of The Ontario Poetry Society, CPA,  P.E.N Canada. Visual art work includes painting, sculpture Married with five grown daughters, many grandchildren  Honors Graduate UWO 1981. Taught English and Creative Writing at Lambton College, Sarnia.

DEBORAH FOULKS is a free-lance writer and singer, born in NewYork in 1951, and raised in British Columbia. Her poetry has beenfeatured in various literary magazines and anthologies. She hasalso written several plays and three novels, unpublished to date.Presently she resides in Vancouver.

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Born in northern England, PAM GALLOWAY now lives in Vancouver. She has worked collaboratively with a group of poets in Vancouver and contributed to their poetry collection, Quintet: Themes and Variations, (Ekstasis Editions, 1998). Pam's poetry is published in numerous anthologies and Canadian and U.K. literary magazines including Love In Four Positions (Leaf Press), Let Go (Black Moss Press, 2005), The Antigonish Review, Descant, Grain, Orbis, Room of One's Own, and others. Her first solo book of poetry, Parallel Lines will be published by Ekstasis Editons in spring, 2006. Pam has an MFA in creative writing from UBC.

Edmonton writer MYRNA GARANIS is a member of the Writers Guild of Alberta, the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, and the Edmonton Stroll of Poets Society. Her work has appeared in Reading the River: A Traveller's Companion to the North Saskatchewan, Larger Than Life, Fresh Tracks: Writing the Western Landscape, 2000% Cracked Wheat and 100% Cracked Wheat. Her work has been presented on CBC Radio's Alberta Anthology and on their Poetry Face-Off.

ELIZABETH GLENNY writes poetry at her home on the Niagara River.She coordinates an annual poetry contest in the Niagara Regionand edits the anthology, "The Saving Bannister," publishedby the Canadian Authors Association, Niagara Branch. For the pastseveral years Elizabeth has spearheaded "cross-border"readings with poets form Niagara and Buffalo, N.Y and works "hand-in-hand"with The Niagara Parks Commission to utilize the gardens and McFarlandHouse Museum for poetry and musical events. Her poetry has beenpublished in a few Canadian literary journals: Vintage 99', TheNew Quarterly, Arachne, Outreach, and Canadian Authors Assoc.,publications.


KATIA GRUBISIC, originally from Ontario, attened the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. She enrolled in the Master's degree program in English at Concordia University and hopes to complete her first poetry manuscript next year. She currently lives in Montreal, where she is writing and pursuing a career in contemporary dance. Her poems, short stories, translations and reviews have been published in The Antigonish Review, The Croatian Reader, echolocation, ellipse, The Fiddlehead, Front & Centre, Grain Magazine, The New Quarterly, Qwerty and Matrix. She has also acted on editorial boards of Querty and of The Fiddlehead. She was awarded the 2004 Writers' Federation of New Brunswick's first prize for individual poem and has read her work in Fredericton and St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Waterloo, Toronto, and, most recently, in Zeke's Gallery in Montreal.

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LYNN HARRIGAN's most recent projects have involved collaboration with visual artists and musicians. Her first book, Moon Sea Crossing, will be published by Black Moss Press in 2005. Lynn Harrigan lives in Toronto. http://www.lynnharrigan.com

ERINA HARRIS has published works across Canada, including:The Fiddlehead, Arc, Exile, Grain, Vintage, NeWest Review& many zines and mags. Published chapbook the 82 shortpoems of eliza in 1997 (now memorabilia). Her poetry has beenawarded THIS Magazine's Great Literary Hunt Prize (1998), People'sPoetry Poem Contest Prize (1999), ARC Editor's Choice Poem (1999),short-listing for Bronwen Wallace Award (2000), and 2nd prizein Britain's The New Writer Poetry Collection competition (2001).

DARLENE SPONG HENDERSON has been writing poetry since her youth. Born and raised in London, Ontario, she and her husband moved to Alberta to plant roots and start their family.  In 2005, she and her husband were transplanted from the Prairie to the West Coast.  A member of Poet's Ink, the Writers Guild of Alberta, the Federation of BC Writers, the Shore Line Writers Society (of Port Moody), the Vancouver International Writers Festival and Vancouver Poetry House, Darlene is also an Associate Member of the League of Canadian Poets.

Darlene’s poetry has been influenced over the years by her sisters’ deaths, her concern for women’s issues, as well as a profound connection to this planet.  A lover of poetry, written and the spoken word, Darlene digs living and writing in a place where the land meets the sea.

DAVID W. HENDERSON was born in Victoria, in 1938, and grewup in Vancouver and Hopkins Landing, BC. He has a Bachelor,s degreefrom UBC and a Ph.D. in chemistry from MIT. Writing is a relativelyrecent preoccupation for him. His poetry and short stories haveappeared in a modest array of magazines and anthologies. He livesin the Ottawa area.

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LORRAINE JANZEN has been writing poetry for over twenty years.Most of her recent poems have been written from a feminist perspective,celebrating her middle-age rebirth, and exploring what it meansto be a woman. She has a number of academic and poetry publications.Lorraine lives in North Bay, Ontario.

HEDDY JOHANNESEN is a Halifax-based freelance writer and award-winning poet. She has an article published recently in the summer issue of Pets Quarterly, an article on elderly people and pet therapy slated to appear in the fall issue of The Source.  She performs local poetry readings. She was interviewed by CKDU for the Poetry Show in July.  She attended the Maritime Writers Workshop this summer. She is currently at work on a vampire novel.


MALCOLM DOUGLAS JOHNSTONE, a native of England, was educatedat Ellesmere College, Shropshire, and at Cambridge. Before immigratingto Canada in 1967, he was in the National Service with Royal ArmyEducational Corps. In Canada, he worked for the National TrustCompany and the CIBC. His poetry, mostly humorous verse, has beenpublished in numerous magazines. In 1996, he won a prize at theOrillia International Poetry Festival.

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SHERRENE D. KEVAN has been teaching at Wilfrid Laurier University for 14 years.  She's been an associate member of the League of Canadian Poets for about 16 years. She is still writing poetry and occasionally finds one poem that is good enough to submit to a journal or a contest.

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LENORE LANGS's poetry has appeared in CV 2,The New Quarterly, University of Windsor Review, andother literary magazines. She organizes and coordinates poetryreadings and reads publicly herself in Windsor and Detroit.

MONIKA HOPE LEE has had poems published in many literary journals, including in "Event," "Atlantis," "The Fiddlehead," "Antigonish Review," "Canadian Literature," "Ariel," and "Qwerty." Her first poetry chapbook, slender threads, will be published in 2004 by the Canadian Poetry Association.

Born in England, PETER A. LETENDRE obtained a BA from the University of Winnipeg. His poems and short stories have appeared in Grain and various on-line magazines. He co-wrote an unpublished children's novel (The Mistletoe Caper) with Marilyn McNally and collaborated with his wife, Patricia, on a scientific writing book (The Fundamentals of Writing for the Biomedical Sciences) that was translated into Japanese. He currently lives in Edmonton.



DEB LOUGHEAD is an award-winning writer living in Toronto.  Her first book of poems, "All I Need and other poems for kids" (Moonstruck Press) was published in 1998. She's written twelve books for children, some in Norwegian, Swedish and French translations.  Her two rhyming plays, "The Grasshopper and the Ant" and "Hey Diddle Diddle" were published by Scholastic in 2005.  "The Thing I Saw Last Night", a narrative poem, will be published by Scholastic in fall 2006. www.debloughead.ca

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CAROL L. MACKAY (b. 1964) lives in Bawlf, AB. Her poems have appeared in Lichen, Gaspereau Review, The Fiddlehead, and Prairie Journal, as well as on CBC Radio's Alberta Anthology and in Threshold: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing From Alberta (U of A Press, 1999). Her collection of poems, Othala, was short-listed for the 2004 CBC Literary Awards.


PETER MCEWEN, as an art educator, visual artist and poet, hasalways been involved with the creative process. Over the yearshe has written some short stories (occasionally published) andcontributed a weekly column to local newspapers. However, forthe past five years, he has focused much of his creative energyon writing poetry, becoming a "regular" in GivingVoice to Spirit an ongoing workshop conduced by Al Moritz.To date, this has been the greatest influence on his work. Hiswork has appeared in The Windsor Review, Ice (an anthology,Spotted Cow Press, 1999), the CPA anthology and ArtCity Magazine. One of his poems was included as part of aninstallation piece at the MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, Ontarioand he was commissioned to write a prose poem for the openingof their new gallery. As well, he has printed - on a hand operatedVandervook SP15 proof press - and hand bound a limited editionentitled Sound Poems based on life in Parry Sound, GeorgianBay. Currently he is compiling a book length manuscript.

STUART IAN MCKAY lives and writes in Calgary, where he was born. His first published poem was in 1993, while studying English literature at the University of Calgary. Since then, Stuart's work has been published in many Canadian journals, such as Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature and Orange. As Junior Poetry Editor of Dandelion, he helped produce its 25th Anniversary Edition. Issues of culture, place, identity and history are central to Stuart's work. The long poem is increasingly his favoured medium of poetic expression, and he enjoys the freedom it allows for experimentation in form, structure and language. Stuart is also exploring how poetry can draw other artistic disciplines into a unified voice. Stuart joined the Writers Guild of Alberta in 1999. During 2002 to 2003 he represented the Guild on the Steering Committee of the Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Writers Program at the University of Calgary. From 2000 to 2001, he was President of the Calgary Society of Poets, Bards and Storytellers, a non-profit organization that produces poetry readings in and around Calgary. Typically, Stuart reads in, organizes or is host for 10 events a year. Many League members have participated in these events, most notably "Poetry on the Peak" at the Banff Centre in March 2002. Stuart was recently Writer in Resident at Rundle College in Calgary, teaching high school students the art and craft of writing poetry. He is pleased to be a member of the League of Canadian Poets. rhmckay@shaw.ca


ANDY MICHAELSON wrote a little in high school and returned to writing poetry and prose as he closed in on retirement age.  Andy joined the Edmonton Stroll of Poets to perform his work and is now a member of the League of Canadian Poets (Associate), Writers Guild of Alberta, Raving Poets Society and co-founder of Poet’s Ink.

Poet’s Ink is a writing and poetry program development organization that services the greater Edmonton area which poetry events and a weekly writing and critique circle.

Often described as a back-fence philosopher, Andy is an artist member of the Royal Conservatory of Music’s Learning through the Arts program working with the elementary school curriculum and poetry in grades four, five and six.

His poem Whale Bone was published November 2005 in the Leaf Press chapbook titled Object, ISBN 0-9735920-7-9

His poem Birch and Bird will be published in November 2006 in the Leaf chapbook titled Anecdote.

A compilation of the works of five Poet’s Ink authors, including Andy, Words are Ashes is scheduled for publication and release in early October 2006.

ISA MILMAN currently resides in Victoria, B.C. Her first published poem appeared in The Malahat Review, Spring 2002, and her second was an editor's choice for Arc Poetry Magazine's 2002 poem of the year contest. Her chapbook, "Seven Fat Years", was published by Frog Hollow Press in May 2002. Her work has also appeared in Other Voices, Zachor, and Moving Small Stones, an anthology edited by Patrick Lane.

MICHAELA MORE is the pen name for Susan Eck. Her creative writingfocuses on lyrical poetry and song lyrics. She has three poetrybook published to her credit and anthologies. Her books, TheAngels Cried With Me, On the Wings of An Angel, and TheAngels Sing With Me all explore an spiritual journey. Thisstyle of poetry inspires the reader to reflect on love, passion,loneliness and gratitude with exceptional skill and sensitivelythat maps out an adventure for a human heart that touches thereader's heart. Contact: Susan Eck Phone: (705) 769-1015 Email:SusanEck@senecac.on.ca


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MARY ANGELA NANGINI has two published poetry books with the scholarly publisher Mellen Poetry Press: Woman In Exile, 1991 and My Ontario Beautiful, 1995. She is an artist, Catholic Teacher and the author of The Four Phases of Being (unpublished, 1992). For more information, she maintains poetry web sites at these locations: World Tempos Journal:http://home.alc.co.jp/db/owa/ph_diary
Hungry For The Spirit: http://maryangelanangini.hfts.ca
Home web site: http://www.nangini.com


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LOUISE O'DONNELL Born and educated in Toronto, moved to Wellington(pop 1500) 1990. poems published in magazines and anthologiesacross Canada,(also some in USA, Australia) including event,The Antigonish Review, Room of One's Own, CV 2. Most recentpublications in 1999 edition of Harpweaver and On theThreshold: Writing Toward the Year 2000. Five self publishedchapbooks in print. Readings in Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, Bellevilleand Prince Edward County.

KAREN P. OUELLETTE writes from Amherstburg, Ontario. Her poetry is influenced by years of ballet training, her music studies and by her work with the disabled. Karen’s poems have appeared in literary journals & anthologies, including: Whetstone, Kaleidoscope, The Windsor Review, Quills Magazine, and by Cranberry Tree Press, Black Moss Press, Serengeti Press and Leaf Press (2nd place-2005 and in Monday’s Poem, 2006). In 1990, she won 1st place for The Detroit/ Windsor International Freedom Festival Poetry Contest. Karen is one of the five writers presented in "A Thousand Yellow Leaves: Works By Five Poets" -2004. She has read her poetry on C.B.C. Radio, at various schools and venues throughout Ontario and Michigan.

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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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