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Poets in the Schools Information Form

Check here if:
you are already listed in Who's Who with a classroom approach on the Web site which you would like to be removed
this form contains different information than is already listed
you are not currently listed and wish this to be your new listing

We include the poet's phone number and email with their entry on the Web site so that teachers can contact poets directly.

First Name:
Last Name:

Enter your phone number and/or email address here if you wish to have it listed with your entry
Email address:

City/town and province where you live:


Grade Levels:

Your total fee* (if different than the basic rate of $200 per half day and $300 per full day):
*Your total fee includes the League portion and the school's portion.

Classroom Approach:
(here you can describe what you might do during a visit to a school-- for examples see what others have written at www.poets.ca)

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
Please report broken links to the webmaster | © 1996-2004 The League of Canadian Poets