Property and Buildings

Key Services

We manage one of the largest and most diverse real estate portfolios in the country. We also offer a wide range of professional and technical services.

Office Accommodation Services

  • Managing office space needs of federal organizations in accordance with the Government of Canada's accommodation policy.
  • Advising clients on the most suitable approach to meeting their accommodation needs: e.g., appropriate mix of Crown-owned, lease and lease-purchase arrangements, including public-private partnerships.
  • Effective maintenance and operation of our real estate assets.
  • Responding to property and facility emergencies.

Professional And Technical Services

  • Advising clients with planning or decision making on acquisition, construction and maintenance of assets to determine the most cost-effective real estate solution.
  • Helping design, construct, rehabilitate or fit-up any type of project: bridges, airports, marine infrastructure, laboratories, dams, highways, office fit-ups and contaminated sites, etc.
  • Providing property and facility management services with state-of-the-art practices and technologies for cost savings and environmental benefits.
  • Expertise in a wide variety of asset types: office buildings, secure facilities, laboratories, transportation, heritage facilities, contaminated sites and lands, etc.

Client Relationship Management

  • Effective engagement
  • Reliable communications
  • Monitoring client satisfaction
  • Issues management
  • Strategic planning and service agreements
  • Program oversight

Featured Initiatives

We are transforming and creating new services to better meet our clients' needs and provide the best value for money.

Workplace 2.0

What: Designing and delivering modern, integrated workplace solutions in the context of the new fit-up standards.

Our Workplace 2.0 vision for workplace renewal has three pillars:

  • The Workplace - renewal of our physical workplace in support of a renewed and improved public service;
  • The Back Office - renewal of systems, policies and processes to support public servants in program delivery; and
  • The Way We Work - our use of new technologies to connect, collaborate and communicate.


  • Maximized use of space and technology to create more flexible and dynamic office spaces.
  • Healthier, more productive and attractive workplaces for the employees of tomorrow.
  • Increased employee mobility; enhanced collaboration; modern, efficient workplaces; greener and more cost-efficient buildings.

Best Practice: Health Canada's Centre of Innovation in Kanata, Ontario.

Service Standards, Results and Targets

We have surpassed all our targets for our property and buildings services! These results demonstrate our commitment to continuously improve service and meet client expectations. Our success is a result of experienced staff, appropriate use of the National Service Call Centre, better time management, new business practices by portfolio, and regular meetings between our account executives and clients.

As the arrows in the table indicate, we are increasing 3 of our targets in 2012-2013 to strengthen our commitment to serving you better. We strive to be proactive in communicating with our clients.

Table Summary

The Table on Service Standards, Results and Targets for the Property and Buildings service category has 4 column headings. The first column shows the Property and Buildings service category broken down into three services: Office Accommodation Services, Professional and Technical Services, and Client Relationship Management. The second column shows the Targets for 2011-2012, the third column shows the Results for 2011-2012 and the fourth column shows the Targets for 2012-2013 which consist of the percentages targeted for each service standard listed.

Property and Buildings Target
Office Accommodation Services
Ensure facilities remain operational during normal business hours (defined as 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) 99% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 99%
Satisfaction rating for service calls reported through the National Service Call Centre 85% 87%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 85%
Professional and Technical Services

Deliver projects over $1M on time, on scope and on budget in accordance with the National Project Management System principles, provided that certain conditions are met and are based on negotiated project charters or specific service agreements.

  • On time
90% 97%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 90%
  • On scope
90% 96%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 90%
90% 97%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 90%
Provide regular progress reports to clients and address any potentials issues 90% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased
Client Relationship Management
Acknowledge clients' inquiries within 1 business day 90% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased
Respond to clients' inquiries within 3 business days 90% 100%Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed 95%Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased


Footnote 1

Conditions relate to timely project notification, availability, completeness of statement of requirements, and funding.

Return to footnote 1

Indicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassedIndicates that the 2011-2012 target was met or surpassed.
Indicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increasedIndicates that the target for 2012-2013 has increased.

Learn more about Our Services



  • Property and Buildings 1-800-O-Canada (1-800-622-6232)
    • Workplace 2.0: 819-956-6467