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Section Title: Media and Publications


Browse through CIC’s publications on-line, grouped by subject heading to help you find what you want quickly.

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act | General | Plans and Reports | Immigrating to Canada | Visiting, Studying or Working in Canada | Living in Canada | Citizenship | Refugees | Statistics/Reference | Ordering Publications


Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act

Fact Sheets

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You Asked About…Immigration and Citizenship
>> Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 364 K
[ November 2005 ]

Biometrics: Implications and Applications for Citizenship and Immigration
[ November 2003 ]

Canada’s Immigration Law
[ August 2002 ]

Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Serving Canada and the World
[ July 2001 ]

Criminal Justice and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act: Facts for Criminal Proceedings
[ April 2004 ]

Designated Medical Practitioner Handbook
[ October 2003 ]

Guide for Transporters
[ March 2004 ]

Report of the Advisory Committee on Regulating Immigration Consultants
>> Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 246 K
[ May 2003 ]

Strategic Framework to Foster Immigration to Francophone Minorities Communities
[ November 2003 ]

Immigration History

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Plans and Reports

Annual Immigration Plans

Annual Reports to Parliament on Immigration

Annual Reports on Minister’s Permits

Canada’s Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program

Government Response Documents

Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act

Performance Reports

Privacy Act, Access to Information Act

Reports on Plans and Priorities

Sustainable Development

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Immigrating to Canada

Coming to Canada as a Business Immigrant
[ March 2004 ]

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Visiting, Studying or Working in Canada

The Live-in Caregiver Program
for employers and caregivers abroad
[ November 2002 ]

Studying in Canada: A Guide for Foreign Students
[ July 2002 ]

Temporary Resident Visa: What to do if an application is refused
[ August 2005 ]

Working Temporarily in Canada
[ April 2005 ]

Planning to Visit Canada
[ June 2005 ]

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Living in Canada


Information for Partners

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A Look at Canada
>> Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 2.8 M
[ April 2005 ]

Canadian Citizenship
[ April 2005 ]

Dual Citizenship
[ May 2004 ]

How to Become a Canadian Citizen
[ November 2004 ]

How to Host a Citizenship Ceremony
[ April 2004 ]

Retention of Canadian Citizenship
For people born after February 14, 1977, outside Canada to a Canadian parent
[ October 2004 ]

Retention of Canadian Citizenship — Worksheet
For people born after February 14, 1977, outside Canada to a Canadian parent
[ October 2004 ]

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Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program: 1979–2004
>> Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 35 K
[ October 2004 ]

Guide to the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program
>> Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 156 K
[ November 2003 ]

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Facts and Figures: Immigration Overview – Permanent and Temporary Residents

Facts and Figures: Immigration Overview

Facts and Figures: Statistical Overview of the Temporary Resident and Refugee Claimant Population

Research and Statistics — Reports

Citizenship and Immigration Statistics

  • 1996 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 994 K]
  • 1995 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 7.4 M]
  • 1994 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 7.4 M]
  • 1993 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 7.1 M]
  • 1992 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.7 M]
  • 1991 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.3 M]
  • 1990 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.4 M]
  • 1989 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.2 M]
  • 1988 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 7.1 M]
  • 1987 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 6.9 M]
  • 1986 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 6.0 M]
  • 1985 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.7 M]
  • 1984 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 5.7 M]
  • 1983 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 4.4 M]
  • 1982 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 3.6 M]
  • 1981 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 4.5 M]
  • 1980 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 4.9 M]
  • 1979 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 3.2 M]
  • 1978 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 3.0 M]
  • 1977 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 3.0 M]
  • 1976 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 3.0 M]
  • 1975 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 2.8 M]
  • 1974 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 2.8 M]
  • 1973 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 2.9 M]
  • 1972 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.5 M]
  • 1971 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.4 M]
  • 1970 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.5 M]
  • 1969 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.5 M]
  • 1968 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.6 M]
  • 1967 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.6 M]
  • 1966 [Adobe® Acrobat format, size: 1.8 M]

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Ordering Publications

Print versions of Citizenship and Immigration Canada publications may be ordered from the following location:

Distribution Services
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1
Fax: (613) 954-2221


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