Public Health Agency of Canada
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Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada (PHI)


Over the past century, advances in public health and population health have dramatically increased life expectancy. Canadians now live longer, but during these added years, they may be afftected by disease, injury, or chronic conditions.

For this reason, indicators used to monitor changes in population health and guide policy decisions need to include how health conditions affect the day-to-day functioning of Canadians over their lifetime.

Building on the WHO burden of disease studies, the PHI will provide summary measures of population health that combine the impact of both death and reduced functioning. The impact of about 200 diseases, injuries, and risk factors is being estimated using a single, comparable indicator.

This website will provide these estimates and the tools to calculate them as they become available. The PHI will also be documented in monographs, working papers, and electronic publications. If you wish to be notified of updates, please contact us at or .

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