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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Dan Boyarski
Bill Cahan
Peter Gorb
Pam Scott
Jeffrey Veen
James Woudhuysen
Designthinkers 2002
Interactive Thinkers
Designthinkers Home

Join Jeffrey Veen on a tour of what the web could be. We'll examine some of the largest sites on the web and pick apart their architectural strategies. We'll look at how Pattern Languages can inform web design. And we'll look at how content is becoming self-aware, and starting to take on intelligent behaviors. Jeffrey Veen is a popular speaker, author and user experience consultant. For six years he served as the Executive Interface Director for Wired Digital and Lycos Inc., managing the look and feel of HotWired, the HotBot search engine, Wired News and others. In addition to lecturing and writing on web design and development, Jeffrey has been active with the World Wide Web Consortium as an invited expert on electronic publishing.

Jeffrey Veen: Designing the Future Web


Read Jeffrey Veen's presentation on Designing with Time
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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“Really understanding the capabilities and limitations of our medium.”