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Designthinkers 2000
Designthinkers 2001
Dan Boyarski
Bill Cahan
Peter Gorb
Pam Scott
Jeffrey Veen
James Woudhuysen
Designthinkers 2002
Interactive Thinkers
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Savvy marketers know that in order to connect with consumers on an emotional level, one must first know the people who make up the target audience. What makes them tick? How does or doesn't a brand fit into their lives? What do they ultimately want from a brand?

The Curious Company conducts innovative research to uncover consumer secrets, helping companies like Nike, Sun Microsystems and Unilever develop product and graphic design that intimately and deeply connected them to their audiences. Scott has 15 years of experience as a brand strategist working with Porsche, Nike, Unilever and Sun Microsystems.

Pam Scott: Brand Espionage: Inside the Consumer Mind


Read Pam Scott's presentation on Brand Espionage: Inside the Consumer Mind
(File Type: PDF, File Size: 172kb)
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

Audio 1
Listen to Pam Scott's comment on brand espionage
(File Type: mp3, File Size: 264kb)

Audio 2
Listen to Pam Scott's remarks on understanding the consumer (File Type: mp3, File Size: 276kb)




© Copyright 2003 The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario

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This collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.



“...everything you do, everything, from the kind of typeface you choose to the paper to whatever it is you’re designing, it influences how people think and how they believe.”