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About this Website

The Team

·   Ramesh Thambi, graphic design, graduate of Algonquin College

·   Andrew Tracy, writer/researcher, graduate of Queen's University

·   Wendy Eng, programmer, University of Toronto

·   Isabelle Ly, editor, School of Film Studies, Queen's University

·   Denise Kupferschmid-Moy, team leader and HTML layout, Faculty of Engineering, Queen's University


The Sumner Group Inc. would like to acknowledge and thank all of the many contributions to the website, including:

·   GPP Architect Inc.

·   Dr. Etienne Gaboury

·   Industry Canada Digital Collections

·   Denise Kupferschmid of Technology Venture Solutions for academic liaison

·   Frank Krzyzewski of Nearvana Environments for project mentorship and technology solutions


The images contained in this Website are intended for viewing by students, scholars and the public. Commercial use or publication of materials contained herein are subject to permission from the copyright holders. All site images, text, and content is copyright, Sumner Group Inc., 2003, all rights reserved. Permission requests to publish any images or material herein should be addressed to the Sumner Group Inc. All rights reserved, Sumner Group Inc., 2004.

Site Statistics

This website contains:

·   20 webpages

·   4600 words of original text

·   87 architectural images and family pictures

·   27 newspaper and magazine articles

The Tribute to Gaboury website is copyright, Sumner Group Inc., 2004, all rights reserved.

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